Thursday, August 17, 2017

Tender Thursday

 I enjoy seeing the sentiments I sometimes feel expressed so beautifully by others on the internet.

The last few days have been tender for me - prompted by a question at work about my Mother last Friday.

I was transported back to my childhood, teenage and young adult years.  Even young and middle married years now that I think about it...

I love that this woman is walking by the seashore.  I am grateful to be near the sea for now.  I enjoy going down to the beach and watching and listening to the sea and feeling the breeze on my face.

I see the sunset every day if I want to, and most days, when I am home, I make the time to pause, breathe, thank God, and watch the (often) magnificent sunsets.

I am grateful too see the colours and the formations.  I appreciate that when there are clouds the sunset is magnificent.  The play of light and shadow is wonderful to watch.

When there are many clouds, as there sometimes are, I am glad to know the sun is there - I just can't see it.

Some days there are no clouds and it is not possible to "look" at the sun as it sets.  But, I can see the afterglows and enjoy them.

Sometimes in the early morning, I see the moon on the West as it seems to set.  Beautiful!

This morning when I saw Glenn off I noticed the sun through the clouds on the East.  Gorgeous again!

I just thought "God's in His Heaven... All's right with (my) world."  I'm grateful to feel that in the depths of my soul.

I don't know why the life that was mine, is mine, was and is mine.

I know I have learnt a lot.
Most days I am grateful.

Most days I really do enjoy the messy, imperfect and beautiful adventure of my life.  

Some of my life is not what I would have chosen for myself.  And - by living my life according to the values that are important to me, the way I choose to live it every day - within the confines I chose, and choose, to accept, or chose not to change, I acknowledge I am probably a better person than I suspect I would have, could have, been if I had chosen to live my life in other ways I might have chosen along the way.  

There is no way for me to know since this is the road I have chosen.  Perhaps I would have been as refined, as I experience myself, by other circumstances if I had chosen other paths I might have chosen to walk.

I suppose...  and trust God... the purpose of my life is to choose and choose, a day at a time, according to the state of being within my body, mind and Spirit, and without me, my circumstances from day to day.  I do that.  Some choices are just not available to me.  Some choices I choose not to choose.  And I have an array of other choices available to me every day.

Darn my tender heart... bless my tender heart.  I am grateful to be who I am.  I look forward to more joy, peace and healing along my adventurous road that is my life.

Thank you all who share my journey.

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine... Let it shine, let it shine, all the time." (actually... when I can.)