Friday, May 6, 2016

Patio Project - Laundry

Lots of work the last little while on the laundry side...

Thanks Douglas for laying the space while we were in England 
so that when we got back home home we were committed!

Glenn did all the preparing, I did the painting.
Most enjoyable for each of us - using our talents
for the good of both of us.

We wondered what to do about the floor...
The answer came by inspiration.

Sylvester came and helped with the laying of the brick paving.
Thank you Sylvester!

Ready for grouting...

Doctor helped with the grouting on Tuesday.
Cecilia cleaned the windows on Wednesday.
Thank you Doctor and Cecilia!

I love my laundry!
The tumble drier is still to come out of the kitchen
and be put next to the washing machine...
at the moment the microwave oven sits on top of  the drier,
so we have to make a plan with that space for the
microwave before we take it out to the laundry.

Thank You Glenn - again...
I am very grateful every day of my life
for the comfort and convenience in which I live -
and lots of it is because you made it so.

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