Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A Picnic in the Rain

I'm so glad we found this little spot!
We wandered around trying to find it the second time,
and yesterday we tentatively found it for the third time.
Now we know where it is, 
I think we will pause and visit there quite often.

Because we often don't know yet where we will be at lunch time,
I pack a picnic lunch so that at least we will have good food to eat.
We ate there yesterday.
I took these pictures between wiper blades wiping the front window.
Absolutely beautiful and soul-stirring yet comforting to be there.

It was POURING with rain all day.
Flooding in many parts close to us.
We came home to no electricity.

We had supper and Home Evening last evening at the Mission Home
with some of the senior couple missionaries. 
We had a history of South Africa given by Andre Slabbert and family.
Most interesting to hear it in condensed form!

By the time we got home there was a respite in the downpour and we had electricity.

"God's in His heaven, all's right with the world!"
from "Pippa Passes"
a little book by Robert Browning.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Saturday, July 23, 2016

We were Beside the Seaside...

Doug has some business last week.
He brought the family down arriving late Wednesday evening
 and they went home Monday this week.

Bless Douglas!
He got us internetted in our home!

They all went to a Sharks rugby game last Friday evening
at the home stadium of the Sharks.

The kids wanted to swim in the sea
every chance they had!
I went with them on Monday morning before they left for home.

Doug and Nadia watch.

The skyline towards the Moses Mabida stadium.

And the man with the geiger counter looking for metals after the weekend.

It was good to have them visit!

Friday, July 22, 2016

A Family Gathering

John, Brenda, Vi, Craig, Roxane, Madison, Kirsten,
Doug, Nadia, Jarom, Ethan, Daena, Cabryn, Glenn and I
gathered at Illovo Nursery for lunch.
We had a good time!
Good food too!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Good Reminder!

Having discovered George's Best Fish and Chips before we left...
We are on the look for good fish and chips here too.

This was in the Fat Fish at Westville Junction.
Good... Not good like George's...
The search continues!

I liked this sign in their shop!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Site Meeting - First On Site

The trees towards the West each marked with a number
so that the tree fellers know what to do with each one.

Towards the South East.

South East


South East

East - facing North
They are compacting at the bottom.

The hole for the pilings starting next week.

The white poles with markers at an angle indicate the angle to be excavated.

At the highest point, a concrete step - 
a vestige of the house that once stood on the property.

More of the last of the house.
Facing North East.

The first site meeting on site.
Various contractors.
Excited to see the progress actually happening
rather than on plans.

On the South of the hole,
facing North.

On the South of the hole,
facing West.

Facing North again.

North East

East - the sea is just over the ridge.
Maybe two kilometers?

The trucks and machines are humming!
South East.


South West to the Earth-works site office.

As we exit the site, the felled trees are being processed.
All non-indigenous trees are being removed from the site.
We exchange a friendly wave.

The piles of beautiful top-soil waiting to be taken onto the site.
The site is behind the top-soil.