Sunday, May 28, 2017

A Visit to the Durban Temple Site

On Saturday John, Brenda, Vi, Glenn and I took a Winter drive to 
the Durban Temple Construction site.

In the protected wetland area adjoining the Temple Izinga Estate 
has landscaped a path with a few benches along it.  
We walked to the one closest to the road and paused for a photo.

You can see the Temple in the background.
The final concrete wall sections of the first floor will be poured this week.
All the rebar framework is in place.

In the Missionary Housing which you can just see to the right
of the fork in the tree next to Glenn (the dark brown horizontal piece)
the first floor slab was poured this week.

There is lots of deep plumbing on the site -
stormwater and other services systems.
I am amazed at the intricate planning, preparation and implementation
that goes on every week.

Electricians come and go as their work needs to be done.
Tender packages are prepared and sent out to various craftsmen.
The art-glass for this Temple is one of the ones going out now.

All activity is 'orchestrated' by the Ernesto, the Construction Manager.
I marvel at his usually quiet, behind-the-scenes expertise.
At significant moments he will briskly stride to one facility or another,
pause, watch, maybe have a few or a lot of words,
and then go off again to his office, or the plans office,
or Steve, the Contract Manager's office, or Sean, the Safety Officers office.  

I feel blessed and blessed to be able to be here and see and do
and learn and learn day by day, week by week.

I love writing the history.
Eight months before the end of the project a history committee 
will be formed to compile the overall history.
I hope that my contribution will be useful to them.
Glenn compiles detailed and complex technical reports every two weeks.
His reports will also be a resource.
I think that eight months will be another learning curve!

Enjoy your week.
This week Alan, the Africa Temples Project Manager, will be in Ghana I think,
Our LDS Durban Temple site overseer, Anton, will be in Nairobi to 
do some work delegated by Alan there.
Glenn and I will be on the Lord's errand here.

Together, each doing our little bit to lift where we are,
  we accomplish miracles in building the Lord's Kingdom!

Do what needs doing, by you, where you are!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May Sunsets - Three of Them!

Very pretty - every day.
I love the reminder that God is the ultimate Master Artist.

I love sunrises too - just don't see them from where we are right now.
I'm glad to see the sunsets.
They soothe my heart and make a lovely end to my busy days.

Monday, May 15, 2017


I think getting older is the stage of saying "Farewell" and "Farewell."

I have read the Saturday Star almost every week since I can remember - probably my teen years.
Now it is not relevant to me living here in KZN.
I have tried the local Saturday paper.
It does not hit the spot.
I tried the Friday paper "Mail and Guardian."
Also doesn't quite meet the need - interesting though it surely is.
So... "Farewell Saturday Star - for now..."
Hopefully it will still be there when we return from our Mission.

I have read the Reader's Digest ever since I can remember.
Last year in January I went looking for the January one.
I gave up subscribing a long time ago -
I didn't want the blurb of advertising that goes with subscriptions.
I looked in vain.
I asked and asked.
Eventually someone told me Reader's Digest South Africa had closed down.
All of Reader's Digest too?  I don't know.
We were called on mission soon after finding out...
The portability and size of Reader's Digest - and the marvellous information.
So - "Farewell Reader's Digest - I really miss you!"

I came back from visiting England and went to buy my face cleansing milk.
"Farewell Like Silk deep cleansing milk."
I so miss that!
I am still trying others until I find one that suits me.

There's something else that also was not there when I came back from
that trip to England - I can't remember now what it was.

Time of transition.

Thank you for the years and years of association.  Thank you for all I have learnt.
Thank you for all I have enjoyed.  Thanks for the memories...

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Morning Moon

This morning at just after 6am.

"The moon that shines over me shines over my children."
And my other loved-ones...

I had some beautiful morning moments, 
did some Tai Chi and enjoyed thinking about you all.

God bless you - and me, and us too.