Monday, May 15, 2017


I think getting older is the stage of saying "Farewell" and "Farewell."

I have read the Saturday Star almost every week since I can remember - probably my teen years.
Now it is not relevant to me living here in KZN.
I have tried the local Saturday paper.
It does not hit the spot.
I tried the Friday paper "Mail and Guardian."
Also doesn't quite meet the need - interesting though it surely is.
So... "Farewell Saturday Star - for now..."
Hopefully it will still be there when we return from our Mission.

I have read the Reader's Digest ever since I can remember.
Last year in January I went looking for the January one.
I gave up subscribing a long time ago -
I didn't want the blurb of advertising that goes with subscriptions.
I looked in vain.
I asked and asked.
Eventually someone told me Reader's Digest South Africa had closed down.
All of Reader's Digest too?  I don't know.
We were called on mission soon after finding out...
The portability and size of Reader's Digest - and the marvellous information.
So - "Farewell Reader's Digest - I really miss you!"

I came back from visiting England and went to buy my face cleansing milk.
"Farewell Like Silk deep cleansing milk."
I so miss that!
I am still trying others until I find one that suits me.

There's something else that also was not there when I came back from
that trip to England - I can't remember now what it was.

Time of transition.

Thank you for the years and years of association.  Thank you for all I have learnt.
Thank you for all I have enjoyed.  Thanks for the memories...

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