Thursday, July 20, 2017

Some Thoughts Today

I am valuable
I am a daughter of God
I am a daughter of my goodly parents
I am me - unique, special and irreplaceable

My dreams are real
I want to remember what my dreams are/were
I will write them or illustrate them and display them where I will see them
I will make at least five minutes a day on reaching towards them
I choose to read, watch, or listen towards fulfilling them
My dreams will evolve and adapt as I do, and as my life unfolds

My roles are important
I need to be clear on what they are today, this week, this year
I need to protect them so I do them as well as I want to
I will need to say “yes” to some people/things and “no” to others
My roles will change over the years, and change again, and again

My time on this earth is finite
My life and time are precious and I want them to be meaningful
I will use my time wisely every day, every week
This month and year will never come again…  When they are past they are past
I will make them count

My family is my treasure
I will cherish my husband daily – and show it
I will love and pray for my children, grandchildren and great grand-children daily
I will remember them all, and also my extended family, and bless them as I can

Everybody needs regular play-dates
I will make them with my husband
I will make them with my family members and friends
I will keep my play-dates

20th July 2017 - Inspired by…

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Magenta Love Potatoes

I bought some purple potatoes... they were on special.
I thought "Why not?"
Magenta Love cultivar.
Strange eating purple potatoes!
Texture is the same, taste a little sweet?

I might buy them again...
If opportunity presents itself...

Monday, July 3, 2017

Book: Half of Life is "IF"

I took this book out of the library because the title intrigued me.
I think it was not well edited (not that I really know much about these things - just my gut feel.)
I was disappointed, and I also appreciated reading it.
It is basically a collection of quotes from here and there - some not attributed that I could determine...

Some quotes I collected:

"Rebellion against your handicaps gets you nowhere.  Self pity gets you no where.  One must be adventurous and daring and accept oneself as a bundle of possibilities and undertake the most interesting game in the world - making the most of one's best."  Henry Emerson Fosdick p ?

"If you know your enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." Sun Tzu 500BC p 80

"So why let yourself get angry?  The minute you get angry, you lose.  The action you take is not going to be as smart or appropriate as it would have been if you kept your cool." p118

"... don't get mad, get curious."

"Real joy comes not from ease or riches or from the praise of others, but from doing something worthwhile."  Sir Richard Grenfell p 125

"Be happy with your lot - not only in terms of quality, not only with what you have, but for as long as you have it.  Be happy with your future here and now - whatever it may be."  Ben Zomo p 160

"A wise man is one who can learn from every experience.  The rich man is one who knows how to be happy with whatever he has.  The power of the truly strong (person) is that he can exercize self-control."  p160

Forest Walk

Enjoy our two hour Saturday afternoon Forest Walk with us...

She is holding a grasshopper.

As we came out of the gate of the forest, this is the bank of creeper on the boundary of the house across the road.  Gorgeous.  About 4:30 afternoon light - darkening already...

It was good for my soul to be in this ancient, dry, coastal forest.