Wednesday, November 21, 2018

In My Kitchen

For some reason I don't understand yet...
I am motivated to write on my blog again.

So - here is what I have in my kitchen area.
As i work there, I glance at these - they help me remember what is important to me every day.

I am passionate about - my family, living meaningfully and peacefully, being as physically healthy as possible, remembering who I am and who I am not, managing my mental health.

These are on my fridge-

This is the newest poster I compiled.  I love collages.  I love gathering bits and pieces from here and there and all sorts of sources and putting them together in a new way that 'speaks' to me.

Long ago, when Douglas was going into the defence force I was filled with dread and horror.  I had no idea into whose hands I was giving my precious son whom I had nurtured as carefully as I knew how.  I realised I believe he is also the son of my God.  I 'handed him over' to his Father who could be where I could no longer be in his life.  In the subsequent years I have handed each of my children into the hands of Jesus Chirst - whose disciple I choose to be - and whom I hope they will consider their Saviour too.  These pictures remind me that I have given each of them 'into His hands.'

The picture of Jesus with a boy is for Douglas,  Jesus with the boy in His arms and the girl holding His hand is for Angela and unusual- needs Samuel.  The big picture of Jesus with the blond girl is for Gillian - it is the first picture I put up a long time ago.  The picture of Jesus hugging the girl is for Dianne.  Douglas' and Dianne's pictures I have changed since I started.  I like these two pictures better to represent Jesus with them.  For years I looked for a girl with reddish hair.  I simply yellow- highlighted this girls brown hair and now it has a reddish hue.  The circle is from a very long ago Oprah magazine.  It has HOPE engraved on it.  I hope for each of my precious children.  The feather in it is my private thrill of remembering when I see a feather that angels are around us all the time.  I know... real angels do not have feathered wings...  I just like to remember whenever I see a feather, wherever I am.  The angel keyring is what I gave each of my daughters, including Nadia for Christmas, last year.  "Make the everyday day extraordinary" reminds me that I never know when my last day will be.  I want to have an extraordinary day every day.  If nothing has made it extraordinary by four pm each day, then I do something that will make it extraordinary for me.  My every day is extraordinary to me.

I love pictures and symbolism and colours.  The lady sitting in the bottom left picture is from an article about depression.  I am inclined to be depressed if I am not alert.  I consider "Depression" as a messenger to me that "Something in my Life Needs to Change!"  I take the Time-Out I need when I need extra Time-Out.  I take at least an hour Time Out early each morning to 'pre-set' myself for the day - remind myself of what is important to ME and how I want to live this beautiful day before me.

I love the quote by President Gordon B Hinckley.  I love the poster of the armour of God from a New Era magazine - I think - a long time ago.  I found this on the internet nd made a copy.  I loke the other list of questions to ponder - I move the prestik to a new one and a new one to consider.  The four green strips are from a book I read about being a wild woman.  I am at heart.  They remind me to be myself, my best self.  "It's time" reminds me to take seriously a commitment I made a very long time ago.

I loved this when I saw it.  I cut it out and stuck it where I can see it.  I love each new day.  I love it when wonderful things happen.  Wonderful things do happen each day - I breathe, I move, I see, I hear, I taste and I, my skin, inner and outer layer (inside and outside of my body) experiences sensation, I think, I read, I love, I pray, I create... and a whole lot more.  I am very blessed.  And thankful.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Poster January and November 2018

This poster was done in Relief Society in January 2018.
I have enjoyed having it in my kitchen.

Today I am home - with two or three styes in my left eye.
I decided to make another poster.
I don't have many resources here... but I love this poster.
I trust it will gladden my heart for a few months.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Durban Botanic Garden

Discordia and Harmonia:
On Monday the site was noisy with the type of noise that frays my imperturbability. The TLB was rumbling about. The bobcat was shifting soil to the fountain area in front of the Temple - not far from our office. The hand-driven compactor was following it.
I thought "I just have to get away from here."  I remembered I needed to fetch my Botanical Society membership card from the Durban Botanic Garden office (held there at my request, for me to collect instead of them posting it to Gauteng.) I parked in the fairly empty car-park.
Established 1849... 169 years old... The huge trees felt comforting. "They will be here long after I am gone..." 
I walked past the cracks in the brickwork where peace-in-the-home was growing. "I hope I can grow peace where there are age-cracks in my life..." 

I strolled past the bouncy trees. I remembered Cheryn and Zeek bouncing there when they were little. I felt quite tearful. "They are all so far away..." 

I picked up this seed and that - ones I don't have in my collection in La Lucia "I am constantly amazed at the variety of colour, shape and texture! I'm so glad to live and see all this beauty!"

I saw the most gorgeous vine with drooping red (whatever you call them) "What a wonderful creation - thank you Heavenly Father..."

The stillness was SO welcome. I collected my card. I wandered around the garden. 
I looped past where Angela Simon and we met - was it two years ago?! "I'm grateful for good and kind friends..." 
I noticed the Petrea vine "My Mom loved Petrea. She planted in our garden what she could of what she loved wherever she went..."

I went on remoter paths I haven't been on before... "I'm grateful for the security men I see walking around... I feel safe enough to breathe freely, go where I want to, and relax..." 
I watched the ducklings - so sweet... just going about unafraid under the watchful eye of their mother... "I'm glad for being able to pause and watch them."

I left in time to miss the afternoon rush-hour-traffic..
I'm glad I went.
I felt like my Time Out Of Time was just what I needed.
I felt my well-being and balance was restored.