Monday, December 16, 2019

Another Whirr of a Week

Sunday morning – 15th December 2019 

A week of sorting, saving and sharing -
Bringing increasing order and familiarity to my home and world.

This week I shared some more things with the Charity Shop.
Then I thought “I wonder if anyone in the Ward needs any of this…”
I’m not on the Relief Society WhatsApp group yet…
So that is what I will be sure to have happen today.
I asked to be put on last Sunday… it’s not been done yet.

On Wednesday I went to the hair-dresser.
I always feel better after taking care of my hair…

Somehow or other I have developed a breath-gasping back-ache.
That’s required flat bed rest when it gets too intrusive.
On Friday I sought a chiropractor.
The one I used to go to was going on leave.
So was another I know.
I found one up the road, near the Junction Spar.
I went to him of Friday.
A work-out of note…
Today I feel more comfortable than I have for a week.
Here’s hoping my comfort level increases to my normal soon.

Friday evening we gathered at Doug and Nadia.
After a simple supper, and family socializing,
Ethan was ordained an Elder by Doug, assisted by Glenn and
Sheldon Torr representing the Soweto Stake.
Jarom was able to be “there” via phone.
It was a heart-warming experience.

I joined my WeighLess group in Weltevreden Park on Saturday.
I will be checking in every Saturday at 8am.
That just reminds me of accountability for maintaining my goal weight.
I made a resolution about 48 years ago to maintain a healthy weight.
It saves money on clothes!  And saves pain and discomfort…  I hope.
I’ve been in my goal-weight range for many years – thanks to checking-in
almost weekly with WeightWatchers (now pulled out of the country.)
and now WeighLess – a South African programme.  Better than WeightWatchers –
though I prefer the name WeightWatchers I must say...
(Last Saturday morning we were at the Temple with Richard and Emily.)
(Another Emily in the ‘family!’)

I have now found a dry-cleaner to take Glenn’s suit to…
I bought and put together a dual rail for the spare-room store-room.
I’m proud of myself!  I thought along the way “Not all the pieces are here…”
But they were… and I found a way to put it together…

(Glenn was at the chiropractor on Saturday morning.)

We joined Arthur and Denise Butterfield and the Dessert Club for lunch on Saturday.
We enjoyed a delicious meal – thank you Arthur and Denise.
I enjoyed catching-up with those whom we have met with monthly for many years.
I’m shocked I must say.  They all look so much older…
Sobering…  I wonder if we look “so much older…” to them.
Food for thought…  
I don’t feel older… except for the recovering back-ache…

Glenn and I both spoke in our Discovery Ward Sacrament meeting this morning.

Monday Morning (public holiday - Day of Reconciliation)

This morning I feel a little tearful.  Not sure why.
Maybe I’m just peopled-out.
Time to go and spend a couple of hours in the Botanic Garden.
I’ll go and visit my Dad’s grave too.
I have stones to add to those probably still there.
(I take stones from where I have been and lay them there when I can.)
I did a Tai Chi routine this morning in the front garden
Then spent 10 minutes in the garden.
One patch is a little clearer.
I will do ten minutes when I can – back permitting.
My back feels a little easier this morning.
I will take care of it so it can take care of me!

Have a good week!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sunday Afternoon - Home Again!

We had a peaceful and delicious breakfast on Thursday at The Little Church in Van Reenen… we were on our way home…

 And yes, we are home again…
We had thunder and lightning and rain Thursday night when we arrived, and after Ethan, Daena, Cabryn and Roisin (Nadia’s sister) helped carry all the stuff in…  
We are home!
I walk around bare-foot on our carpets… We are home!
I bathed in my own bath… We are home!
The church bells rang this morning…  We are home!
The peaches and apricots are ripe… We are home!
The birds are chirping and chirping outside… We are home!

And we have room!

Douglas has built upstairs in the property behind us and moved some of his stuff there. 

This week we will move more there to clear the front room off the entrance hall and prepare it for Les and Sally who arrive next weekend.
Richard, their youngest, is marrying and being sealed in the Temple on Saturday.
I am looking forward to that precious time with Les and Sally.
I enjoy having my brothers to stay, when they come to Gauteng for whatever reason.
Actually, I just enjoy visitors – and I prefer them shortish-term, whenever possible.

The other front room, Doug’s office, will be next on the list to clear to next door behind, then we’ll be all on our own in our part of the house.
And we’ll make that front room and the adjoining ‘piano room’ into what we need them to be for this stage of our lives.
(The piano room is already transformed – we did that before we left - it has a new built-in-cupboard which is very useful.)
(I’ll share pictures when all the new stuff is closer to ‘finished’ than it is right now.)

I to Glenn "If one of us is alone in the future we might well end up in one room."
We have much to share now with those less fortunate than we are.
I will take a load of our many clothes to the charity shop tomorrow.
Other items will be sure to follow.

We’ve been packing in La Lucia for weeks now.
A bit at a time…
By the time Thursday came, we were ready – just about.
I realized when I was in Pietermaritzburg that I’d left a few items in the fridge…
Ah well, the movers will have 6 eggs, delicious bean soup (which I meant to leave for those who clean and tend the estate) and probably a few other this’s and that’s…

I loved being there for the three years and five months that our home was there.
I loved being closer to John, Brenda, Vi, Craig, Roxane, Madi and Kirsty.
I mastered more technology… what a blessing!
I met and got to know many people I never would have otherwise.
We lived where we would never have otherwise.
We went places and did things we never would have otherwise.
I’m glad we went.

As I said to one of my colleagues who commented that I really enjoyed being there, 
“I enjoy my life… wherever I am.  Each day that passes will never come again.  I want as few regrets as possible when it is my time to die.”

I’m glad to be home…
I love my home…
We’ve spent many years making it very comfortable, functional, and pleasing to me/us.
Interesting – I don’t even miss the other side of the house.
This part is very suitable.

I’ll spend ten early minutes a day in the garden, and ten minutes a day on a ‘hotspot.’
FlyLady terminology… Finally Love Yourself Lady.
FlyLady has been very useful in ‘liberating’ me to a greater degree.
Do you know about it?

I look forward to going to the Botanical Gardens again.
One of my places of refuge/refreshing/being.

It’s good to be home!
It’s good to be alive!  See, hear, smell, taste, touch, think, move, be, LIVE!

We have a heat wave this weekend – it is hot.
We have the fan on, and the doors and windows wide open.
Most tolerable, most pleasant, when that is possible.

Northerners… Enjoy your deepening December.
Somehow Christmas in Winter is “the way it should be…”
“We” in the South have been indoctrinated by the Northern countries – 
through many years!

Somehow Christmas Dinner (hot) is just not right here…
And Christmas cake/pudding here needs to be ice-cream…
To each their own. We’ll have a swim on Christmas day to cool down.
That’s appropriate here.

This little bird, big actually, was by our front gate when I drove in from shopping yesterday…
Black Friday weekend… What was I thinking?!
I was glad to see this at-ease bird!
Do any of you know what it is?

Monday, November 18, 2019

Sunday Afternoon - A Week of Miracles

I sat down on the spare bed to write and lay down to sleep!  And I did – all afternoon!
This is so unusual for me...
I must have been tired!
So here it is, late afternoon.  It’s raining gently outside.  Warm rain.

We had a week of rain forecast this last week. Two miracle clear days…
Tuesday and Wednesday were sunny days – enabling us to prepare the site for
Presiding Bishop Caussé’s inspection visit on Thursday.

I had my bunch of car keys in my jeans pocket on Tuesday. 
I lost them – somewhere on the site…
My heart sunk.
A few weeks ago a rucksack was stolen out of a car boot on the site.
Passports and other valuables were stolen.
I had not much hope of finding my car keys.
Nevertheless, I told one of the foremen.
And prepared to find Glenn and come home to get my spare car keys and another key to the flat.
Glenn was away from the site, so I paused in alerting him.
A couple of hours later my car keys were safely returned to me.
One of the worker I know – Chicken is his name – had found them.
I was very grateful for another miracle.

I visited Gateway shopping mall for work on Wednesday –
Gateway is an enormous mall in Umhlanga.
I go there as seldom as possible…  It’s just too big, and noisy, for me.
When I got home I realized I had lost my memory stick containing back-ups 
of the site reports, somewhere.
I searched the car, the site office, home… and figured out I must have lost it somewhere
on my visit to Gateway.
Well – I had no hope of finding it again.
I was reconciled to getting another memory stick and redoing what I had done.

On Thursday 8:01am - from my niece-in-law Roxane Holmes –

She attached the conversation she had been part of late Wednesday evening:

Wednesday 22:54 – to Roxane

“Hi Roxane.  This is Nhla. Trynna get hold of Judy.  Can you help?”

“Hi.  Which Judy?”

“Judy Bray…”

(His/her name and phone number attached…)

Its regarding the usb that I found.  Thank you.”

“Send me yr details and I will ask her to contact you in the morning.”

Thursday 8:01am (read by me at about 9:45 am) - from Roxane

“Hi Judy… got a message from someone I don’t know looking to get hold of you…
Says u lost a memory stick?”

“Yes!  A red and black one with a meerkat decorative tag.
Oh, I so hope for it to come back to me…”

“The person’s number is on the message.  I hope you get it back.
Incredible that the person messaged me to find you.”

“Whew! yes! I will contact him/her.”

“Let me know how it goes.”

Thursday 10:07am - Me to Nhla - him/her –

“Good morning,

I’m very grateful you found my memory stick.
I was becoming reconciled to it not coming back.
I’m greatly relieved to know I might have it again.
I’m also glad that you found something that identified
someone I know and made the effort to make contact with me.

I’m very occupied for the next few hours with meetings I need to be at on the site.
Is it possible to meet you later this afternoon or tomorrow please to collect my USB?

Grateful regards,
Judy Bray

PS I will see your reply…I don’t know when today…”

Thursday 1:39pm – From Nhla

“I live at…
I work at… Monday to Friday …
I take a taxi…
Since you’re currently occupied, I’ll hear from you when you get to me.
Thank you.”
Thursday 6:53pm – from Roxane

“Hi, did you get your memory stick back?”

Thursday 7:00pm  - to Roxane

“Been busy with top management all day.
Sent a message.
Got a reply.
Will arrange to get tomorrow.”

“That’s awesome.  I was so worried it was a scam.”

“I will fetch today from where he/she works – hospital in …”

“Incredible.  I’m so happy it’s coming back to you.”

Thursday 7:10pm – to Nhla

“A moment to pause after a very busy day today!
Can I come to your work and fetch it tomorrow please?
If so, where shall I find you?”

7:49pm – from Nhla

“Same here.  Time to chill indeed!
You’ll find me in the hospital pharmacy.
Just ask for Nhla.”

Friday 10:27am – to Nhla

“I will come to the pharmacy around midday, twelve?”

10:53 – from Nhla

“That’s fine.”

I got there at midday not knowing whether I was meeting a man or a woman.

I asked the young cashier for Nhla.
I thought "Maybe you are Nhla...?"
She looked at me blankly.

I showed my phone to her with the name and surname.
Her face cleared.
She pointed to a young man across the pharmacy serving someone.
I waited until the two seated people he was helping arose and left.

I introduced myself and we had a truly lovely conversation.

He had thought when he found the USB that this was a fortunate find!
A memory stick with lots of music and movies perhaps…

When he saw the content, he realized this must be very important to whoever lost it.
So he set about trying to figure out who might have lost it.
He says it took him three hours to figure something out.

He found the reports and photos interesting.
He thought the building was unique.
He saw a few surnames recurring in the reports.
He looked them up on social media.

He came across my facebook profile.
He knew it was me because I registered as site missionary on the Durban Temple construction.
But no public information.
He looked at who might know me, have tagged me.
Roxane Holmes tagged me sometime in one of her posts.
He looked at her profile and whom she was connected with.
There he found I was familially connected with her.
So he contacted her…

I hugged him.
I asked him if I could take a photo of him.
He said yes.

I gave him the meerkat tag as a token of this special occasion.
He was thrilled.
I gave him some money “to do something special with.”
“You don’t need to…” he said.
“I know I don’t need to… I want to.” I said.

I was tearful as I walked to my car shaking my head.
I said a humble and grateful Thank You prayer.

"Signs follow them that believe..."  I believe...

Friday 12:53pm – to Roxane

“Hi Roxane, I just fetched my memory stick from Nhla, young, newly graduated pharmacist.
He found my memory stick outside Gateway where I dropped it when getting my car keys out.
He realized it was very important when he looked at the contents of the Temple construction on it.
He found nothing on social media about me, but you had tagged me in one of your posts.  Amazing!
I believed in miracles before… I’m reassured of miracles this week.
He didn’t want to alarm you so he gave lots of details about himself.
Really personable young man.
I’m really grateful to God and both of you!
I’m so happy to have it back!”

“Ah this is wonderful news.  I’m so happy for you.”

Monday morning – very early…  The saga continued.

The miracles didn’t end there…

I sent a message to my editor on Friday around midday
when I usually send my weekly report for editing –

“Hi Helen, I haven’t even started my report yet.
I don’t know when I will get to it to you.”

On quiet Friday evening after supper –
the only evening this week with no visitors for supper!
 It’s been a very busy week preparing for Thursday!
(I thought “The least I can do is feed one or two of those who are working late to prepare…”)
(We usually have visitors only one evening during the week…)

Glenn was busy with his half-monthly technical report.
I thought I might watch a movie (using earphones) as I sometimes do, when Glenn is working.
I found myself in Microsoft Word… and a few inspired hours later my report was largely complete.

After a good night’s sleep I was wide awake when it starts getting light at around four thirty am.
I quietly opened the lounge curtains and said my early morning prayer.
I came to the spare room, silently closed the door, put on the bedside light and
did my morning New Testament and Book of Mormon scripture study.

John, Brenda and Vi were due to come to us this weekend.
I had earlier-baked banana muffins in the fridge for tea.
I usually have a choice of two goodies to eat…
I decided to make brownies as well – that is easy and quick to make.
I thought “I can do that later…”

I opened my weekly report number 167 and critically read through it.
A few minor changes to make…

I thought “I’ve got time to start putting the collage together… maybe…”
I set to work.
I kid you not… I felt so thoroughly inspired as (was it I?) I edited the later batch of photos –
That usually takes much longer than creating the collage!
And then I pieced the collage together.  Was it really I?
I felt so completely, tinglingly, guided as chose photos and put it together.
I breathed more thank-you prayers during and afterwards.

I sent my report and collage off to Helen for editing…
(I read her reply on Sunday morning “Well done Judy - No changes to be made this week.”)

I made the brownies, we had John, Brenda and Vi here from 11am until nearly five pm…

Glenn and I enjoyed a quiet evening together.
Glenn slept in his recliner chair and I watched a hard-to-watch-in-one-part, made-for-TV movie.
(I’m glad for the ability to pulse through some parts - of some really worthwhile movies…)
 “Taking Back my Life – The Nancy Ziegenmeyer Story” was the movie's name.
Sobering…   She was raped in 1990. 
(How much good progress we have made as a society…
As well as back-sliding in other aspects…)  

And now – It’s a new week.
I slept a couple of hours yesterday afternoon and was awake at 4:15 this morning.
I got up, quietly came to the spare room and finished this off.

I’m grateful to have recorded this fuller account of this last week of miracles…
I shake my head while marveling again.

And now 6:02am…

Time for my daily scripture study, to the sound of our two resident Mallard ducks honking down at the fountain in the background...

And then on – into my Marvellous Monday and this New Week.
This may be our last full week here...
Will probably be.

It's been SO GOOD to be here for the last three plus years!
Serving God and our fellow men... what a privilege, what an opportunity.
What a responsibility.

And we'll carry on... serving God and our fellow men, back home again.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Beachwood Mangroves Nature Reserve

Last Saturday we visited the Beachwood  Mangroves Nature Reserve in Durban North.  
This has been on my list of "things to do" for a long time.
By chance a few weeks ago we found out where they are, and how to get there...
It is open every third Satruday of the month from 8am - 1pm.

This is the beach sign.

And these are the notice-boards at the entrance area. 

We had someone guiding us - I'm so sorry I didn't note his name...
He was knowledgeable and helpful.  
He brought along a handful of leaves which he scattered in three different locations.
The little red mangrove crabs ventured out, snatched a leaf and scuttled back to their burrows.

I didn't know there were three kinds of mangrove trees.

Here are the three in close proximity - white, black and red with their three types of root systems.

It's a whole different world in the mangrove forest!

Fiddler Crabs with one big front pincer.

Do you see the mudskipper almost centre near the water?  A red crab there too...

Red and fiddler crabs - lots and lots of them...

We also saw some whelks that had climbed a tree.

And a bright yellow orchid near the beach...

Back again from the beach...

And a circular walk along the older boardwalk.

We saw some monkeys...

These little creatures come out and forage in a star shape, returning to their burrow after each foray.

I think cracked ground is so interesting...

These are the seeds of a black mangrove.  When they drop off they lodge upright in the mud and grow roots before the next tide comes in.

I'm glad we made the effort and time to go there.  It was a few hours very well spent!