Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunday Afternoon 14th July 2019 – More Normal

The winding-up tempo at the site gains momentum.
I have recent access to two of the four volumes of the Paris Temple History -
I have a lot of gathering of straggling threads for the Durban Temple History to do!
I have some information to go looking for and organize.

My weekend workshop last week was mind-energizing and ordering.
I’m glad we took the time out!

What a pleasure to have a more ‘normal’ weekend –
It was good to go to Berea Ward this morning –
It’s been about a month ago that we were last there?
It’s been good to be home and quietly going about our business today.

We’ve had an un-usual and extra-service-filled … probably four/five/six weeks?
And we’re almost our physically well and normal selves again.
I cleaned the flat yesterday – a pleasure not to be dragging along…

On Wednesday evening, with the permanent power finally connected after 2 ½ years…
(since application for connection was made…)
Alan Rudolph, Anton Fourie, Glenn and I went to the Butcher Block to celebrate.
We had a good evening together.

Vi, John and Brenda visited us yesterday.
Vi is in a wheel-chair a lot of the time now.
It makes it easier for her, and for us.

She is doing well enough.
Glenn cut her finger and toe nails and gave her a vitamin B12 injection.
She says that perks her up.

She hears and sees with difficulty.
I thought…”I wonder who will cut my nails when I can’t any more…”
Sobering to contemplate growing older and frailer.
And we each must!

Have a good week!
Make the most of each gift of a day…

“In time take time while time doth last –
For time is no time when time is past.”
My Mother used to say this often.
Sound counsel…


Mom/Judy/Gran Judy

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