Thursday, February 13, 2020

What Am I Choosing Every Day?

It’s absolutely blissful for me to be here in Amanzimtoti at Stella Maris.
The sound of the sea…
The sea breezes…
The quietness…
The lovely views… day and night…
The simplicity…

I’m glad we chose to come to Stella Maris – again.
It’s more than three years since we’ve been here.
We’ve been coming for many years – I can’t remember how many.
I wondered if it too had slid down the path of neglect that seems to be so much around us…
Not so.
It’s still well maintained, and well managed.

I chose two books to bring with me:

I’m loving reading them - again!

I’ve read them both before.
I don’t remember most of what I read of them long ago.
I enjoy Scott Peck’s thoughts and explanations – most of them resonate with me.
They’ve both made me think…
And question!  Why…???!!!  Why do I agree? Why do I not agree? 
What do I think about what he is talking about?

I’m also loving catching up on my Ensign, New Era and Friend magazine reading.
For some reason beyond me, I can’t get to my usual Gospel Library.
I resorted to my paper scriptures, and intermittent magazine reading.
When we came here I continued scripture reading on my phone,
leaving my bulky scriptures at home.
I picked up my magazine reading again on my phone.
I MISS MY TABLET which ceased to support the newer Gospel Library software.
(I think that’s how I describe what happened…)
I’ll probably get to getting a tablet again specifically for my Gospel Library reading.

Reading on the computer is distracting – notifications flash on my screen.
They also do on my phone.
I prefer to be “single minded” and undistracted early in the morning.

What wonderful choices I have!  Every Day!
These above are FEW of the many I can choose!

What choices do you enjoy?  And find frustrating?

I love you all!

Mom / Judy 

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sunday Afternoon Feb 1st 2020 - Thank you!

Who are those helping me along?  Many people actually.
Every day Glenn helps me in some way or another.
This last week he installed some lights above my working counter.
What a great help!
He helps keep me down to earth, in touch with reality.
I’ve learnt a lot from him and with him.

I’m again reading a book by M Scott Peck “In Search of Stones.”
M Scott Peck and many other authors have helped me along to where I want to go…
I’m also leisurely reading the Reader’s Digest compilation called “How to Live with Life.”
Short pieces by many of the wise ones of the world.
I’ve learnt a lot about a lot, from those who write down what they have learnt.
(I miss the Reader’s Digest! Not printed any more for South Africa…)

TED talks, radio, General Conference, Internet, magazines, people I meet…
Many people I know, and those I don’t, help me along.

We’re having scheduled stage 2 load-shedding this morning from 8am-noon.
Those who keep the lights on, and repair systems when they go down –
They help me along... they make my life ore care-free.
Those who made this computer, and create all it can do, help me along!

I am… because of so, so many who use their time, talent and means to do what they do.
I hope more and more of us love what we are doing each day!
And, by being who we each are, help some their along their way.

Of course… there are those who “help” – but don’t help!
I hope I’m among that number less and less!
Hopefully I’m learning more and more to read subtle cues.