Monday, August 24, 2015

The Busy Last Week...

Tulip decided Glenn was "The Man..."

This is the book I am reading at Hilmar and Dianne...
A great book!

I read the part just before we left about the three realities he identifies:

God's reality
Our circumstantial reality
Our personal reality...

Interesting to contemplate.

We started our epic journey which turned out to be unusual!
We started on the X26 (express bus to Heathrow) after our train ride to East Croydon station.

At one of the stops another bus crashed into our bus.
All off - with transfer tickets.
Which bus to take now!
We found the 111 to Heathrow Central.
A stop at every stop on it's circuitous route...

A little later it was all off again!  I had no idea why!
A porter came and grabbed my bag and off he went.
I was torn between Glenn on the one side getting off our bus with 
our two small bags and his big bag
and the porter striding off with my big bag.

All the passengers from our 111 bus were heading to this other bus.
We got on.
On the way I wondered if we were on a bus to Heathrow.
I tapped on the driver's window.
He said we would be there eventually.
Later on on the indoor display I saw that this was also a 111 to Heathrow Central...

Then Glenn said "I wonder whether we will get there in time for our coach?"

Oh my... another concern as to what we do IF...

These are two artists blocking out their design on this green-grocer's kiosk.
I loved watching them while we waited for the X26 at East Croydon.

Some scenes along the first part of our journey...

I was really taken with these murals.
I wonder what they signify?!

And now we are on the coach from Heathrow to Bridgwater...

This is a solar cell farm.
We saw a couple of them on our journey.

I was interested in the beige fields after harvesting the crop.
I always think of England as green... it isn't all the time I realise now. 

Three pictures of Mike, Jodi, Daniel, Ethan and Emily 
at Jane's birthday party.

And birthday scenes.

The birthday girl!

Reading stories to grandchildren.

The four Sommer men.

More birthday celebration scenes.

And a gorgeous sunset through the lounge window.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Last Day on the Island

The apple tree had a branch sheer off.
Perhaps the weight of the fruit ripening?

With the fixed shredder Angela chips the branches immediately.

This is a picture of the slides minus the swing dismantled a few days ago.

This is the basket of apples picked off the sheered branch.
Angela was busy juicing it when we left with Dianne.
We have had a lovely visit with the Baxters and 
seen as much as we could of the Bowens and Guests.

We had a final supper with Pete and Rachel and Corbin,
then we made our journey to the ferry port.

The traffic has been very busy on the island with 
Cowes week (world-class sailing event) and Summer holidays.
The island is one of the favourite holiday destinations.
So... we left with time to spare for traffic and made our way to the ferry.

We arrived an hour and 15 minutes for the ferry we were booked on.
The earlier one was just loading.
They loaded as many waiting cars as they could - and it was not us!
An hour to pause and relax while we waited for the next one.

Another gorgeous sunset while we were on the ferry.
The lights you see in the sunset are the indoor lights of the ferry lounge reflected 
on the window through which I took the photograph.

Lovely to watch the sun set while we took our about 45 minute car ferry journey.

And then the hour and a half drive to Hilmar and Dianne's home for a few days 
before we go off to Jane for a week.

We had a change of plan when we were on the island 
so we will re-arrange times with Hilmar and Dianne after we visit with Jane.

I hope to see Gillian again while I am visiting Jane.

In the meantime... a pause to collect ourselves,
do laundry, reflect on what has been and what is ahead of us,
catch up on emails and other administration of our affairs.

Important time.
I am thankful for every day!

A pity we can't be in all our beloved places at the same time...
Maybe just as well we can't - I would probably be overwhelmed.
So - I am grateful for what is possible when it is possible.

I am grateful for the meaningful conversations we are able to have with our loved-ones.

I m grateful for the help we are able to give.
I am grateful for the help we are able to receive too.

Life is good...

Monday, August 17, 2015

A Full Weekend

Angela moved the play house from the middle of the garden 
to over the sandpit.
It works!  It shelters the little boys from the rain too!

Enjoy some photos from round and about...
At home and away.

Some of these photos following are especially for John, Brenda and Vi.

A view of the farmer's fields two houses away from the boys' upstairs bedroom.
The tractor is doing something on the fileds right now.
There are flocks of seagulls flying around probably enjoying what is
churned up by his activity.

Just outside the back door is the deck...

The middle of the back garden towards the Garden Room.

View from the Garden Room towards the house.

Near the Garden Room the swings and slides.
The next day the swing finally rusted through and collapsed,
 and Patrick and Glenn dismantled it.

Towards the jutting out side part of the middle garden, towards the farmer's fields, 
 is this pond area for future development.
Right now it is fenced, gated and locked.

Sunset over the farmer's fields - view from the living room area.

Painting one wall of the kitchen/diningroom area on Saturday morning.

And the little boys play outside...

Vincent's 19th birthday afternoon braai party scenes.
He turns 19 during  next week but he will be away.

Thanks Angela for organising Vincent's party...
I know it made a lot of work for you.
I'm glad we were here to lend a hand too.

Mom and baby rocking quietly...

Auntie Rachel and Emily.

Vincent's birthday cake.

Isaac getting a turn to 'hold' Emily.

Rachel sat on her Dad's lap.

Cheryn having her hair highlighted during the party.

We light the candles and sing Happy Birthday!

Vincent cuts his cake and makes a wish (if he did).

Dianne cutting Isaac's hair during the birthday party.
She also cut Samuel's hair.

Cheryn's foiled highlights... during the birthday party.

 Hilmar has a turn holding Emily.

I would have loved all those who couldn't be there 
to have been able to be there.

Sunday now - Emily was blessed after Church,
We went to the beach again to celebrate her blessing day.
Kieran's family were with us for the afternoon.

Angela started the fire for the potjie.

 Rachel makes the hand swing into a sitting swing.
She hopes it will work.

It works!

Patrick took Vincent off to catch the ferry for his week away.

Grandma Vicky.
Grandpa Vern was there too,
And Emily's other great grandparents and great Aunt.

Thanks Pete for organising a lovely celebration of Emily's blessing.

I seriously missed those who could not be there.
I'm glad for the technology to be able to share our
precious afternoons with you.

Time now for some down-time to re-balance...