Thursday, August 13, 2015

Isle of Wight - At Home and Out and About

The fence post rotted at the base and the fence leaned precariously.
Glenn replaced it.

Then we were off to the beach on this mid Summer day.
Cloudy and cool weather with occasional spitting rain on the day we went.
We had a lovely time walking extensively and back again.

Mostly sandy beach with a few rocky patches.

There was a group of tourists with their guide on the beach.
We overheard the guide saying to the group that this was a dinosaur footprint.

I was fascinated with the different colours of earth.
This is golden clay washed off the bank onto the black sand.
Samuel or Isaac called it sticky mud.

Lots of people walking and walking.

Interesting black sand at the base of the cliff.
Here it looks grey.  It was more of a dark charcoal colour.

I was interested in this lady's hoodie's message.

On our walk back to where the car is parked.

You can see the cliffs on the right are sandy, and the ones
in the background are chalk.
You can see the black sand better in this photo.

I turned around and photographed the direction we had walked to.

Swimming in the very calm sea.
I loved the sound of the lapping water.

More of the layers of the cliff.

Isaac was bothered by the stones on the path to the car.
Glenn's solution.
Almost three Isaac is heavy!

In storms a couple of years ago part of the carpark was washed away.
You can see the bits of tar down the slope.

The solution:  Raise a sandbank protecting the fall and park in the rest of the area.

Puddles on the way back to the car.
The little boys love to jump in them.

A map of the Isle of Wight.
We walked part of the area where the name Isle of Wight is on the map.

Back home again and Angela does some
more horticultural therapy.
Lots of this and that done by Angela in their extensive garden over the past couple of weeks.

The sun came out and it was warm.

Glenn sorting out the new extractor fan installed in the upstairs bathroom.

And inside the bathroom.
The project might be finished tomorrow.

The days pass.
Today has been a rainy day almost all day.
Isaac and I went for a walk yesterday along the farm road a few houses 
from where they live.
The fields are harvested and cleared.
We found a spot to sit and enjoyed our picnic of sandwiches and water..
I forgot to take my camera with me.
It was a simple little outing for the two of us.

This information below is mostly for John, Brenda and Granny Vi:

Roxanne is working at Cineworld.
She works a lot, so we see her as she goes out and comes in sometimes.

Vincent spends a lot of time being occupied at home.
He does occasional part-time work.
He turns 19 next week.
He will be away next week at a "For the Strength of Youth Camp"
like Jarom went on a few months ago.
After that?  We will see what he decides to do.

Hilmar, Dianne and Phillipa are joining us for the weekend.
It is Vincent's birthday party this Saturday and Emily's blessing this Sunday.

Zeek does some part-time work.
When school starts again I believe he will be going to do a course at the college.
This will help him on his way to becoming a fireman
which he has wanted to do for years.
Rachel finished school this school year.
She is going on to what they call sixth form here.
I suppose that's about like our two Matric years.
Corbin also finished his school year and when school starts again in September
he will go to his next year.

Pete has bought a house and is spending time upgrading it.
He largely works from home.

Patrick works from home usually three days a week and goes into his office
on the mainland usually two days a week.  
He takes his car across on the ferry on those days.
He leaves at about quarter to seven in the morning
and comes home about seven thirty in the evening.

Some days are gloriously sunny and hot, some are gloriously cool and rainy.
It's all good!
Even the hard times are good!

I'm glad we can be here!

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