Wednesday, December 16, 2015


We have a sister, Yvonne, in our Ward who had an operation 13 years ago.
The wound has never healed.

Through the years I have tried what I could to have people look at it and perhaps
make a suggestion or refer so that the wound can close.

While I was away in England,
one of the counsellors in our Relief Society Presidency 
made connection with a specialist wound practitioner.
She arranged for Yvonne to be attended to by the Nurse practitioner.

Yvonne has been going to her for the last several months.
Last time I transported Yvonne.
I was invited in to the consulting room.

This is how the wound looks now.
It is healing gradually.

Only the piece near her ankle is still open.
Here's praying for full closing of the wound in due time.

Above is 20th October,
below is 14th December.

What we are looking for is progress... it is happening.

Humble and grateful Yvonne says she is glad to not be in pain all the time any more.

When I fetched her yesterday she talked about bathing that morning.
I thought  "I imagine bathing has been a mission for too many years!"

I am thankful to be a small part of the miracle we hope and work for.
I feel emotional when I think of her past thirteen years...

No more constant dressing by her, for her.
Reinforcements have arrived!
God be with us all...

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