Sunday, March 13, 2016

Another Detour - The wall falls down...

After Cabryn's birthday gathering we came home.
I was settling the dishes in the dishwasher when we heard ka-doef.
The thud that sounds SERIOUS...

Glenn got his torch and went to look.

This precarious wall between the garage and the boundary wall was five rows shorter.
the wall was leaning towards the back.

Annoying! and Consternation!
We knew the wall needed shoring up, but other things 
have taken precedence for too many years.

The kids were playing hide and seek.
Someone decided to scale over the wall
and brought the wall tumbling - fortunately no one was hurt.
It must have been a shock for the person/people involved...
I don't know who it was... does it matter?  Not to me.

Friday morning Glenn did some clean-up of the fallen bricks
(the pile you see there)
and with the help of Sylvester and Ishmael lifting together from the other side,
 the wall was propped back up.

Glenn is now shoring it up and securing it as it should have been done long ago.
There is a pole behind the wall that stopped the wall 
from completely tumbling down when the top crumbled.
You can see the pole in the second picture.
(also the angle irons now holding the wall in place until the restoration is done.)

I thought on the night and have thought over the years...
"What builder builds a wall unsecured to the adjacent walls...?!"
Well, whoever the builder was at the time many years ago - did.
I have been aware of the walls vulnerability since it first went up.

Tender Mercy... it has stood until now.
And no one was injured when it tumbled and leaned.
So now there is a structural weakness in the lower levels 
which allowed it to lean until it hit the pole.
Glenn will attend to it properly now.

I think this stick might just be a wedge for now...

I suggested the wall could just stay the height it is, 
just secured properly with angle anchors at the back,
 since it is now the same height of the boundary wall...
Glenn said "No, I will build it up.  It will be more difficult 
for someone to just hop over to the back."

So... this too will also be done a la Glenn - properly.
"Better late than never..."
There is always so much to do isn't there?!

I'm just thinking...
Life is about detours isn't it?
With each detour we get a chance to do 'it' better than the first time around.
The trick is to not get disheartened or frustrated;
To just keep going steadier than was possible before.

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