Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday Afternoon - 31st March 2019 - Afternoon Walk in Illala Ridge Estate

On Friday afternoon I walked from our office container at one end of the parking lot to my car parked near the entrance of the site.  I walked along the palm lined entrance road.  I loved hearing the palm fronds rustling in the light wind.  I thought “I just love such soothing sounds!”

On Saturday we visited John and Brenda and Glenn’s Mom.  Vi’s wounded arm is recovering slowly. 

We drove to a “Millionaire’s Mile” two-houses converted into a Bed and Breakfast, Coffee Shop and wellness spa.  “305 Guest House” is what it is called.  We sat out on the veranda overlooking the bush and the sea way below.  There was a baby-shower party of about twenty women at the table next to ours.  As you can imagine… cheery… and noisy…  As they finished and left in ones and twos the veranda area got quieter.  I loved hearing the quiet sound of the sea below us.  I took a walk to where there was a wedding being set up on the lawn.  I loved the view of the sea beneath the steep bushy slope under us.  We were like four or five stories of bush above the beach level.  I paused and breathed in the fresh air and soaked in the sounds of the waves gently breaking on the golden beach way down below us.  I love the sound of the sea!  I always feel better when I have spent time pausing, and listening, and BEing.

Our apartment is on a housing estate with over 300 different types of units.  You’d think it is noisy… It has times of hustle and bustle.  We look down on the swimming pool.  The sounds of children romping there is familiar – we have a pool at home.  At night when we settle down to go to bed, I love the sound of… silence…  Most nights, very little noise.  I feel very blessed to be here for while we are at the Durban Temple construction site.

I love the music that I love – different music for different days and  times in my life…  I love complex orchestral sounds.  I also love simple melodies in minor keys.

This afternoon I paused for twenty minutes or so and listened to a TED (Technology, Education, Design) talk – about an analysis of the words we use, and how we use them.  “The Science of Analyzing Conversations” by Elizabeth Stockoe.  How important our words are, how we use them, and how they sound to those who hear them…  I love words and the sound of them well used. 
I love listening to TED talks.  I have learnt so much – about so much.  Thank you Shawn (Powrie) for introducing me to them.

What do you love hearing and listening to…?

Glenn says:  water… yes!  And some birds… yes!
I said “Let’s go for a walk to the park…”
“Why don’t we?” said Glenn.

We walked to the park.

Some teenagers/young-adults on the estate were there before us and enjoying their time together.  
We decided to walk up the hill to “the house with the magnificent chandelier.”
It is the last of the mansions on the left hand side up the hill.
At the end of the road is Chantry Point where Alan Rudolph (our ‘boss’) lives.
We enjoyed the beautiful chandelier, and turned around to walk downhill again.
On the left hand side as we walked downhill are the three storied two a story buildings.
In deeper cul-de-sacs on the left are yet other flat units – All with height restrictions.
We met and chatted a while to our resident estate agent walking his dog.
The estate is about 15 years old, built in stages – ours the last stage.
There is one last mansion to complete.
I love the safety of the estate – and the quiet, clean!  Tidy!  respectful living.
We all sign ‘rules’ of the estate before we can come and live here.

This is a view of the complex hiding ours as we look back walking up the hill.  
The park is on the right of the picture where the trees are.

Walking up the hill – mansions on the left, housing units on the right.

One of the six?, seven? mansions.

 The house with the beautiful chandelier.
It did not photograph well…

Chantry Point at the top of the hill – probably with twenty or more double story houses joined one to another in three, four or five a unit.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday Afternoon - 24th March 2019 - I Never Thought I Would

I Never Thought I Would…
Some things I am very particular about –

I like ‘smart pegs’ – sort of opaque plastic pegs.
When we moved here – I couldn’t find them.
So I got what I thought would suit me best –

I never thought I would become so fond of them.
I have.

I like my bowls and measuring spoons at home – white.
I inherited colourful nesting sets from the Durban Mission
donation of not-needed furniture and household goods.

I never thought they would gladden my heart so much.
They do.

I never thought I would pack a bag every morning.
With the work being done on the parking area near our
container office and parking being scarce…
I decided to make my life easier, less stressful,
and park near the entrance and walk to our office.
It’s a fair distance.
I used to have my handbag, and my computer bag, and my lunch.
I’d walk a short distance to the container.
That just didn’t work with my new decision.
I found a light backpack at Pick ‘n Pay that I like very much.
– my 72 hour kit one at home got stolen since we have been away,
so this would do for when we got home too.
Now I put my computer and mouse in the backpack,
only my purse from my handbag, and my lunch in the backpack.
Hands free as I walk to the office.

The heart I put on it reminds me to "Be the love you want to see."

I used to put on my socks and shoes, hat and hard-hat and
safety vest on when I got to the office.
Now I do that at my car.
I can take photos, pause to chat, or watch as I make the journey
to the office, and back to my car when I leave.
I can do this while I am here…
Or – for as long as necessary.
It works for me…  For now.

I never thought I could live so far from my children,
grandchildren and great-grandchildren and be happy.
And here we are!  Far from all of you!
And I enjoy a special and very deep contentment.
Anxiously engaged in this good cause.

My deep peace and delight is a peculiar joy to me.
I hope it lasts longer than our Mission here.
I am very grateful for countless Tender Mercies – every day!
However long these roll out.
Into every life some rain must fall…
It may be my turn again sometime in the future…

Photo:  from the first floor passage across to the sea.
I love to go there and enjoy the view. 
Sunrises are gorgeous from this viewpoint.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday Afternoon - 16th March 2019 - New Tyres, New Sight

I enjoy travelling on the 100km per hour speed limit M4 coastal road to Durban.  BUT I needed four new tyres for my car.  I have been putting off getting new tyres… and putting it off since November last year.   My story is… “I don’t travel much… and I want to wait until the roadworks at the Temple site are done – I’ve had three punctures since I have been here.”

My spectacles that I loved went ‘missing’ about two years ago.  I have been using my three spare pairs since then.  I look forward to new spectacles after my eyes settle post-cataract-operations… 

I made a deal with myself a few weeks ago – I would not travel on the M4 (for safety reasons) and I would not let myself get new spectacles until I got new tyres for my car.

I let myself down the first week.  I let myself down the second week. 
Why would I do that?!  That’s just not like me! 

I realized it’s because I don’t know enough about tyres to know wat would be a good enough deal. 
I asked Glenn if he would do it for me.  He agreed to do it “on Monday.”  On Monday I had not cleared out the inside of my car (to remove temptation…)… I tried to stall to Tuesday.  Glenn was insistent that it be done “today” when I got to the site.  Fortunately, I had shopping bags in the car.  I sheepishly cleared the inside of the car into the bags.  We put them in the boot.  He took my car.  I am so glad to have four new tyres!   I am very grateful to Glenn.  He helps me do some things that are hard for me, and sometimes things that are very hard for me.

And I enjoy flying along the M4 now!  And I will get my new spectacles soon – when I am finished my prescription eye drops – probably a week to go – it’s eight and seven weeks since my cataract operations.   I’m grateful to see distance clearly…

The first day after the first operation I saw brilliantly.  The second day I woke up with like pitch black salt sprinkled in my eye.  Swirling like a flock of swallows…  Most distressing.  I went back to the specialist.  He said “Just keep using the eye drops.”  I wondered if my op was one of the few cataract ops that go wrong…  I wondered whether I should have the second eye done… I decided to risk it.  No problem with the second eye.  The black ‘like salt sprinkles’ transformed into ‘like fruit flies’ in my eye.  Most unnerving.  But, I could still see brilliantly beyond them.  I decided if it never cleared, at least I could see sparklingly.  The ‘miggies’ faded after about five weeks.  I am very grateful!

So – now I am ready for my new glasses.  I look forward to getting them! I will get multi-focals again – so that I can read easily wherever I am when I am out and about.  I can see well distantly – but still better with my existing specs, because I have astigmatism, I think.  I use +2 readers now, and my previous two pairs of reading specs – one at home, one at the site, one beside my bed and one other pair.  So I am sorted for reading only specs – which are much more comfortable than multi-focals when I am reading only, especially for extended periods of time.

I feel very fortunate every day of my life.  I am here.  I am me.  I can see.   And now – I have four new tyres, I will soon have new spectacles, the ‘miggies’ are gone…  Each new day is a blessing, filled with fresh opportunities for loving,  serving, discovery and delight.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sunday Afternoon - 9th March 2019 - Forgetting and Remembering

 I’ve done some forgetting this week…
I forgot Samuel’s birthday… on Friday…  Thank you Angela for reminding me…
I forgot to pay our accommodation costs on the first of the month…I paid today…
I forgot my familiar code to open my computer!... I’m glad I’m not locked out…

And I remembered a whole lot of things too!

I remembered to print photos of some of the workers on the site.
I remembered to visit Maureen, Glenn’s cousin
(Glenn’s Dad’s brother’s daughter) in Umhlanga Private hospital still,
after by-pass surgery on Wednesday, I think – the days blur.
I remembered to keep sane!  I remembered to do some Tai Chi on the beach…
I remembered to keep both my ability to listen to all sorts and to
not lose my sense of humour.

Vi walked out of John and Brenda’s garage towards Brenda’s car Friday 1st March. 
Her walking stick went through the drain grate and she toppled backwards.
Her right arm, inside her unaffected blouse sort of split open!
John and Brenda quickly got her to the ER at Amanzimtoti’s Kingsway Hospital.
They referred her to a plastic surgeon who usually functions from
Chatsworth private hospital.
She transferred there and had plastic surgery on Friday afternoon.
She has spent Friday to Thursday this week in Chatsworth hospital.
Chatsworth is a virtually all Indian area.
She was excellently cared for.
She was wished-well like a celebrity when she left.
She is back home now with John and Brenda.
We were able to visit every day except yesterday (Friday.)
We are on our way to visit now…
I am typing whilst I am in the car.

I was glad to get my weekly collage done Thursday and Friday. 
I am usually finished by Wednesday.
I have the report still to do… I will get to it when I can today.

As I glance up – I love the green and lushness all around!
What a wonderful place KZN is in that regard…

Sunday Afternoon: 

Vi is still frail, and looking a whole lot better than when we saw her on Thursday.

John and Glenn fetched pizza, fish, chips and salad. 

We ate at home with them.

Glenn cut her toe nails after a foot-spa soak, and then her finger nails.

We came home grateful… and tired!

This photo of us was taken for Jarom –
he was off to the Johannesburg MTC on Friday.
He is off to the Cape Town Mission soon.
Samuel’s birthday was Friday.

Today (Sunday) is Cabryn’s 14th birthday…

It’s been an EVENTFUL week! 
Have a GOOD and loving, serving week ahead!
We love you…  I hope you always remember that.