Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday Afternoon - April 7th and 14th - Health

A few days until Glenn is 70 and I am 74.  Sobering…
Interesting – I don’t feel old.  But my mother at my age was old.
To what do I attribute feeling well and healthy – most of the time…

There is a young sister in our Ward who interests me.
This morning I said to her “I’m curious… What are you studying?”
“Physiotherapy.” She said “If you have any problems come and see me…”
Quick as a wink I said “Actually… I don’t have physical problems…”
”How do you do that?” she asked.
“I’ve changed my diet, and I do Tai Chi.” I replied.
“Ah… you live healthily…” she replied with a smile.

Afterwards I thought “And I’ve discovered Kinesiology and aromatherapy massage.”
When I need to surrender my body to the ministrations of another I ponder on
what I need and give it to myself.
It works for me, I am thankful to say…

Gillian sent me some info about the FODMAPS perspective.
I briefly looked into it – we had a visitor this afternoon.
I will look at it more carefully when I am able.
So much is available to us these days!
I love living now!

I try to live physically healthily.
I feel better when I do.
Actually… when Weightwatchers ceased to be here in South Africa, I thought
“I can do this on my own…”  I’ve been a WeightWwatcher for… very long.
In a matter of two months I realized “I don’t want to do this on my own…”
I found out where WeighLess classes are – not far from where we stay.
I went and joined.
Very good for me to co-operate in that responsibility with
people who are on the same road as I am on, wanting what I want.
I weigh-in once a week on Thursday mornings at 8:30am.
It helps me.

I try to live mentally healthily too.
I have the Addiction Recovery Programme book next to my bed.
Each night I read a paragraph or two before I go to bed.
It helps me keep my head straight in that regard.

I try to live spiritually healthily too.
Every morning I read Old Testament (at the moment) and
Book of Mormon scripture.
Then I read something from the Ensign, New Era and Friend.
That sets me in a good frame of mind for the day.

Now to Music and the Spoken Word and then the
Sunday morning session of General Conference…

14th April

It’s been a whirl of a week!  At work and at home!
And Sunday afternoon again!
I do the best I can and am grateful to go to bed each evening…
The weather is perfect…
I feel very blessed to still be here, though I miss being with you all very much!
Times and seasons.

I’m glad for the times we have spent together in the past.
They help to sustain me for now.
I trust you all have received sufficient foundational nurturing to
go forward with courage and basic wisdom on which you are building every day.

Do what needs doing… and Give yourself what you need.
Go forward steadfastly one day at a time.


Mom / Judy

Vi's arm still healing - one spot still to close.

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