Friday, November 28, 2014

I can Happily Pledge

I pledge to...
Respect water
Not pollute
Respect all forms of life
Re-use, re-cycle, reduce
Save energy
Love people
Love the environment
Oh yes, I do pledge those.
This tortoise looks well and energetic doesn't he/she?
This one side does...
The other side of his shell is seriously damaged.
The outer layer is off.
Yet there he/she was scooting along - for a tortoise.
Less afraid than others I have seen in the Garden.

And off into the shrubbery.

I hope I can be off about my business every day
permanently damaged though I am in some respects,
like all of us,
and temporarily damaged at other times,
like Vi is at present.
I learn a lesson every time I go to the Garden!

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