Thursday, November 27, 2014

On This Thanksgiving Day -

I am very thankful for the internet.

We are having a Thanksgiving Dinner this evening at Doug and Nadia's home.
All family and our tenants are invited.
My job is to make pumpkin pie for 30 people.

I went to the internet, copied, pasted and printed three pumpkin pie recipes
on one sheet of paper, compared them and made my decision as to which I would use.

Then it was "What is half and half?"
"What is 12 oz in grams?"
"What is cardomon?"
"What is a substitute for cardomon?"

Click-click... and there are lots of answers and I get to choose
which site I will look at.

Happy Thanksgiving my loved-ones!
Today is the 27th. 
I am going to list twenty seven things I am thankful for.
Do join me?
What will be on your list of what you are thankful for?

I have decided to try and make the filling on the stove like I do with melktert.
I have kept half the cinnamon in the recipe to sprinkle on the top of the fillings. 
I'll let you know how it turns out.  These are my pie shells ready for their filling. 
The next three are in the oven now. (7am) 
One batch of filling made and poured into the pie shells.
I will take a pie to our writing group and see how they enjoy it.

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