Thursday, May 21, 2015

Two weeks down, Four to go...

All sorts of interesting progress, challenges and discoveries...

Stitches out, x-ray of my wrist today.

How do I unscrew this lid?  Most I can't... or with help.
How do I chop this onion or these mushrooms? With difficulty... or with help.
How do I bath? I figured that out.  I make sure there is someone else in the house though in case I slip and get stuck.
How do I make my bed?  I figured that out.  I'm sleeping in the spare room for now.
How do I change the bed?  I can't.  Glenn does that.
How do I get dressed? Mostly I can manage with button down the front tops for now.
How do I file my nails?  I thought I would need help with that.  But... By holding the emery board on a surface with my right elbow and moving my left nail across it. The other nails are easier.
No make up for now except lipstick.
I have resumed seeing clients.

I'm really glad my ego and my pride are virtually dropped at this stage of my life.
I can be as self-reliant as I can, and freely ask for the help I need and graciously accept it.

I have been in need of a new laptop for  while.  Doug snapped up an excellent Acer one for me when it was on special last week.  It's lovely! Thank you Doug!  I am getting used to it.  I am blessed!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

I Am Blessed!

I fell down about five stairs last Friday in the Temple after the early morning session
and landed up in the ER.
I had a good chuckle at this speed limit on the wheelchair I was sitting in!

I assure you there is a comfortable speed at which to be pushed
and a bone-rattlingly too fast speed.
Perhaps it is 12 MPH.

Here we are waiting for a head scan.
I have a broken wrist, fortunately I am left handed.
You can maybe see the blood on the front of my shirt.
That wet next to my skin was uncomfortable.
I loosely bundled up the bandage turned into a sling used by the
first-aid people and shoved it up my front to keep me comfortably dry.
As the day passed and the blood dried and the shirt got brittle I was very happy
for the comfort-bandage between my shirt and me.
My right wrist to my elbow is set in a half-cast.  we dress the four gashes every couple of days.
I will go back in a week from now to either have surgery or a full cast.
I sincerely hope for the full cast option.
I had plastic surgery for the star shaped deep gash on my temple.

The spiderman-net came off last Monday.
The stitches come out next Thursday.
Swelling subsiding. 
Fairly extensive bruises turning yellow - the healing continues.

I am on the mend!
Almost one week down and probably five to go.
I have lots of concerned and interested people helping me when I need help.
I think this is probably the first time I am at the
receiving end of meals brought in by my Family and Sisters for a week.
Thank you Family and Ward family.
As a matter of interest - try using your mouse in your left hand...
I am becoming accustomed.
I guess I will need to become accustomed again when I can use it in my right hand again.
I look forward to that... in good time...

Friday, May 8, 2015

Maybe the Last of the Warmth?

When I went to the Botanic Garden on Tuesday the temperature forecast was 7 and 28.
Wednesday temperatures were forecast 9 and 29.
I dress in layers and peel off, and peel off.
(Today (Thursday) the temperature forecast is 11 and 23.

I walked to Tai Chi a way I don't usually.

These banana palms will soon be frosted.

And back to the carpark again after a serious session of Tai Chi.

Lovely glistening spiderweb.

Lovely place of peace.
I have been going regularly for probably 30 years.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

New Lys House

The progress continues...
Ceiling being secured.
Wall painting being done.
Two trees cut down a few days ago.
The plumbing connection underground done and filled in.

Doug's House - More Progress

The part of the house that will be Dom's and Cindy's.
The enclosure porch has been plastered and ready for the bathroom to be installed.
They have the lounge part that will become their livingroom.
A kitchen will be installed under the big front window.

The other part of the house - the previous main bedroom becomes the living room.
The blank wall on the right of the picture will have a kitchen installed here.

Dom and Cindy's part - the partition between the lounge, from where the picture is taken,
 and the diningroom which becomes their bedroom with a bathroom en-suite.

The bees in the closed up chimney in the original kitchen has bees.
I emailed a friend of mine who is a bee-keeper and he gave us
sound counsel in how to deal with the challenge.

Some of the bees left the chimney and
made a pod under the concrete garden table.
Again my friend had sound counsel.

The days go by and a little is done each day.
Each little counts up to a lot over time!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Full Blown Autumn and Kayla's 21st!!

Love these autumn leaves right in my front garden!

Kayla loves black and white.
How's this for a cake?!

Girl cousins...

Boy cousins... 

Doug welcoming everyone.

Erene and Kayla,
Doug, Nadia and family, Jason Roisin and family,
Dom and Cindy, a young man I don't know,
Lawrence and Annette (Dom's parents), Sarah (Dom's sister) Glenn and I
made the 'markers of the occasion.'

Teens and pre-teens in the adjoining study room.

Kayla loved her cake!

"Hurry up!  This is HEAVY!"

21 only once in your life...

The bottom tier white cake, the top one chocolate cake.

We enjoyed the surprise party for Kayla.