Thursday, May 21, 2015

Two weeks down, Four to go...

All sorts of interesting progress, challenges and discoveries...

Stitches out, x-ray of my wrist today.

How do I unscrew this lid?  Most I can't... or with help.
How do I chop this onion or these mushrooms? With difficulty... or with help.
How do I bath? I figured that out.  I make sure there is someone else in the house though in case I slip and get stuck.
How do I make my bed?  I figured that out.  I'm sleeping in the spare room for now.
How do I change the bed?  I can't.  Glenn does that.
How do I get dressed? Mostly I can manage with button down the front tops for now.
How do I file my nails?  I thought I would need help with that.  But... By holding the emery board on a surface with my right elbow and moving my left nail across it. The other nails are easier.
No make up for now except lipstick.
I have resumed seeing clients.

I'm really glad my ego and my pride are virtually dropped at this stage of my life.
I can be as self-reliant as I can, and freely ask for the help I need and graciously accept it.

I have been in need of a new laptop for  while.  Doug snapped up an excellent Acer one for me when it was on special last week.  It's lovely! Thank you Doug!  I am getting used to it.  I am blessed!

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