Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Our Last Day in 116

It's actually so lovely to stand out on the balcony and watch the sun rising.

And... at 9am we're off home again.
Someone strew sunflower seeds along kilometres of the road.
They are blooming right now.
I tried to photograph some of them.
You probably can't see them.
They gladden my heart!

We stopped again for lunch at Harrismith.
The gardens are always splendid.
The roses were in full bloom.
The stop was very, very busy with people heading for Durban -
We left for home on Friday and Monday was a public holiday.
There were many, many motorbikes heading for KZN.
They passed us the whole journey as we headed home.

As we approached Gauteng we had lovely clouds giving us shade the whole way.
Usually we are driving into the full sunshine at this
point of our journey.
I felt blessed.
Really lovely light.

Streams of cars and motor-bikes heading towards the coast.

Lovely, lovely light!

And back again to light rain and our packed roads.
This is the M2 West.
We left the M2 because it was so jam-packed,
thinking we would weave through town rather.

I liked this new statue in West Johannesburg.
I want to take a trip into Johannesburg to see the urban renewal sometime.
I will pause and see what this statue is about when I do.

And we arrived safely home.
I did some furniture re-arranging with Vi gone,
and after a put-together supper we thankfully headed for bed.

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