Thursday, November 24, 2016


Lots, lots, lots going on at the site.
And I am confined to my car because my toe is still tender.
At least I am wearing shoes this week.  There is one pair of sandals I can wear, so that is progress.
I am grateful to be out of slippers all the time.
I gave the pair I wore most a good wash.
I'm glad I had them to wear while I needed them!

Thanksgiving today - not that we celebrate it...
I am thankful for much, many people, many things.

Especially I am glad to be alive.
I am grateful to live in these times.
I am grateful to be me.
I'm glad to associate with those I love.
I'm grateful to be living in green, green, green KZN for now.
I am grateful for all the physical peace and quiet of my life at the moment.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving day whether you celebrate it or not!

May we all develop our gratitude until it is our 'state of being.'

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