Wednesday, December 7, 2016

A Pause...

Today two workers are attending to some waterproofing problems on the front balcony so I am home while they are here.  A welcome respite in my usual routine.

Time to think and to BE.  Sometime I get swirled up in the whirl of what is going on here and there.

Yesterday I went to fetch my passport from Home Affairs...  too many people in the queue that seemed not to be moving.  So I left - we left.  Glenn was with me.  So I have that to do sometime today, tomorrow or Friday.  Crowds... a challenge for me.  The waiting hall is noisy.  I might just pack my earplugs and feel more peaceful amid the madding crowd.

I must say applying for my passport this time around has been easier than ten years ago...  More automated, less waiting.  Glenn has his already, mine came a couple of days later.

The workers are finished on the balcony so I am off to the site soon.  Actually maybe not...  Glenn is due to come home for lunch soon, so I might wait for him and go this afternoon, or go and fetch my passport this afternoon.  I'll see how my courage level is after lunch.

Daily living sometimes takes courage for me.  I also need to attend to some business related to my Phillips House affairs.  At least I can go to a store here and don't have to go to Gauteng to do it!

Sometimes switching between various 'worlds' is challenging.  Our visit to Discovery for Glenn's medical matters in October was lovely and also unsettling for me.  Having to switch roles and be in different environments can be stressful.  I'm looking forward to our visit to England... and I think it will also take a toll on me.  I will need to be conscious and vigilant and take care of myself whilst I enjoy catching up and being with Beloved-ones there.  I'm really grateful we get to go...

I love being at the site.  Watching the work progress is interesting and filled with allegories and parables for me.  I thought not being able to go to the Johannesburg Temple each Friday morning, most Fridays, would be hard for me.  I realise I get the chance to go to the Durban Temple site five days a week now.  I feel the presence of my Heavenly Father as I watch and ponder, pause to talk and take photographs and write a piece for the historical record every week.

I am learning and growing!  I have discovered how to manipulate photographs on a word document. It is amazing to me!  I am learning all sorts of construction terms and processes.  I am learning more of "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without."  That pleases me enormously.  I am also learning what I choose not to do without, and giving those things and experiences to myself.

I'm grateful the Couple Missionaries of the Durban Mission have included us in their periodic gatherings.  I miss our monthly Dessert Club get togethers.  These Couple Missionary events fill a little of that emptiness.  On Monday evening they joined us here for Home Evening of Show and Tell.  On Friday we are going to the Roma revolving restaurant in Durban for supper with them. One of the couples is leaving to go home and another couple has arrived to take their places.

And so... on to do what I need to do...  The day is gorgeous!  When the wind blows, like it is today, I am grateful - it cools the site down, it cools the flat down.  When there are clouds, like there are today, I am grateful - it gives shade where there is otherwise blazing Summer sun.  Life is good!

The two workers left, and now another two are here to do some waterproofing.

I have been missing my Nativity Scene at home.  I have been missing Cabryn coming and rearranging my choir of angels.  Saturday I saw a Nativity Scene I liked and bought it.  I added my three new little angels: Dom, Cindy and Scarlett.  I brought down these three little angels I bought this year with me when we came on Mission.  My heart feels happy when I look at my little Nativity Scene next to my stove and remember the Reason for the Season.  "How silently, how silently the wondrous gift was given..."

Blessed Christmas to you all!
I'm grateful for my many blessings - my Beloved Ones amongst them.
I'm glad to know you!  I'm glad to be a part of you!

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