Sunday, January 29, 2017

Almost Back to Normal...

After having a sore big toe since October and being ill since 23rd December I almost feel my usual self again.

I discovered I could wear my boots in the UK - thank goodness!  My feet were warm enough.  I can wear some other closed shoes too - not all of them yet.
I can don my steel toed shoes and wander around the site.  It's been a long time!
When we got home I had little energy so I made only a small reconnoiter of the area.
Now I can do a few rounds.  It's amazing to see the progress from day to day and week to week.
My cough still persists on occasion and I still sound thickish in the head, but am much better.
It's been a long haul!

It's been mercifully cool and cloudy more than half the hot days of January so far.  I oult these blessings.  Our flat is able to be cool since we can open sliding doors and get a through-draught.
On the one day with no wind we put the fan on in our lounge/dining/kitchen area and were glad for the breeze.

I have taken loads of photos of the site and the workers.  Some of them I am really fond of.  (Workers and photos...)  BUT I can't display them anywhere except a few selected ones in the History I am writing.  I as saying to Glenn "What will I do with all these photos one day???!"  I wonder.  Perhaps they are just for my own edification and faith promotion.

Somewhere along our travels I mislaid my memory stick with the Temple Site History backup stored.  I need to get another one and restore what I have written so far.  I wonder what I could have done with it?  I have looked and looked all the places I thought it might have been put.  I'm glad it's week 28 so the new back-up is possible fairly easily.

We had lunch yesterday with John, Brenda and Vi.  It was good to be there.  They are all well enough.  Busy with the ups and down of life.  Sorry... I didn't take any photographs.

Later yesterday we took a walk down the Umhlanga promenade.  We sat on a bench along the way.  So lovely to sit quietly and just watch the waves, smell the lovely sea air and hear the waves and seagulls.  We are blessed.  Life is good.

29 days gone so far of this year...  Still plenty more Possibilities!  GO all of us!

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