Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sunday Afternoon - January 19th 2020 - My Search Continues...

My Daily Search for … Continues…

What am I searching for…?

When I was a new family and marriage counsellor I had a young client.
She came out to South Africa from Holland? Germany? and found herself
in a complex situation she could hardly have imagined.

She looked at me earnestly and said “All I want is a nice quiet life…”
We worked together to deal with her newly realised reality.

I’ve pondered her words lots in the intervening 30+ years.
“Yes.  That’s what I want too.” I remember thinking at the time.
“ And now I have the words to express my deepest desire.  Thank you!”

In some respects my life is not what others would call “quiet…”

What then does “quiet” mean to me?
Sufficient harmony within myself and with those I live and work with.
And I have that most times these days...
I conserve and nurture my goodwill with myself and with particularly these others. 
I create the peacefulness I need, within myself, and around me every day.

I heard someone talk recently about important “holy habits” and “righteous routines.”
I have developed what works for me and gives me pleasure.

Tai Chi every week is important to me.
It helps me be physically and mentally more peaceful.

I found my Tai Chi group I used to belong to at the Botanic Gardens this week!
They meet an hour earlier!
That’s why I have missed them since we got home!
Happy Day!
Steve, one of the leaders, said “I can see you did Tai Chi while you were in KZN…”
Indeed, I did, every week.  Sometimes on the beach, sometimes in the garden,
sometimes in our apartment, sometimes on our West balcony.
One of my righteous routines…
The group has progressed to level 4.  I am well-schooled in levels 1 and 2.
On Tuesday I was delightfully clumsy in the next two levels!
I giggled and giggled as I tried my best to follow.
As you know I have difficult with my left and my right.
So when Lynda said “drop your left hand and circle your right” it was
a significant mental feat for me to follow her…
There’s a child-likeness to not knowing that is very blissful for me.

Another righteous routine is a bath in the afternoon.
It helps me physically and gives me a good soak.  “Relax.  Unwind.  Soak.”
Oh yeah…!  Thank you Dianne for “Relax. Unwind!”
She has those words on her bathroom wall.

What are you searching for, reaching for?
How’s your search going?
Some searches take a life-time… and beyond…

“A happy life must be, to a great extent, a quiet life – for it is only in
an atmosphere of quiet that true joy can live.”
Bertrand Russell said in “Boredom and Excitement” –
(Reader’s Digest – How To Live With Life, p 219 “Slow Down - and Live.”

May we all prosper in the deepest meanings of the word this 2020.


Mom / Judy

Yep... it was chilly enough - in January! to wear a cardigan on Sunday.

PS We began functioning as Young Single Adult advisors…
A Whole New Learning Curve for Us!
Working together… that is a new one…
We’re good at parallel work… Now we’ll get to working on companion work…
Here’s hoping… 

I liked these companion sculptures at
The newish Cradlestone Mall Muldersdrift, near Krugersdorp.

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