Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday Afternoon - Values

Eish… I’m discovering I have a limit to long walks…
I wonder if it is the highveld altitude?
Or the need for walking is walking further than I’m used to?

Anyway… I’ll find out what my walking comfort level is and stick to within it.
Perhaps I will work on stretching my limits too.
(I’m VERY grateful to be sleeping more soundly!)

We walked and walked looking for the easier-sliding curtain rails we prefer.
Glenn is now replacing the previous ones with the newly acquired ones.
That should stress the curtains less as we open and close them.

The new kitchen door security gate is in… still needs some touch-up painting…
BUT – I feel more relaxed when I am in the front part of our part of the house.
At the same time… it is harder for Doug, Nadia, Ethan, Daena and Cabryn to pop in.
Doug has a key… Perhaps another one is needed for Nadia and the children…
Grrr… !!!  Difficult trade-off decisions to be made sometimes…

Glenn installed a dishwasher and a washing machine for our other-side-of-the-house tenants.
(Nadia’s sister Kayla and her husband.)
The dishwasher in the old main bedroom, now living area.
The washing machine in the en-suite bathroom bay window area.
It was a significant installation!
I’m so grateful Glenn can do this and that.
It’s a great comfort and blessing to me…

We went on a Friday lunch-date to Second Cup, Weltevreden Farm.
A lovely venue where the tables are in amongst the trees.
The roosters and hens run around.  A friendly cat came and meowed companionably.
I was deeply soul-glad to be there.

Glenn and I are called and set apart as Young Single Adult advisors…
That will be a whole new experience for us!

Have a good week!


Mom / Judy

Early morning sunrise on the way to the Temple.

 Us at Second Cup.
And our new security gate...

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