Sunday, August 30, 2020

Who Or What Do I Need To Remember To Remember?

The miracle of growth in Spring

That there are seasons…

That there are consequences for every action and non-action

That “whatever fire I feed will keep burning”

What decisions I have made for myself and how I want to live my life

That there are “truths” and “truths” and sometimes neither of us can prove our “truths”

That I have a “Bill of Human Rights” and so does everyone else

That I have very much to be grateful for – every day

That I am truly fortunate

That “privilege” carries responsibilities

That I am me… and that I’m unique, special and irreplaceable

That there’s no one else in the world like me, never has been, never will be

That I largely get to choose my life and what I’ll be

That I’m a Daughter of God and as such I “do” certain things, and I “don’t do” certain things

That I’m “Just Visiting This Planet”


Monthly and annual expenses

Birthdays and anniversaries

Drink my water! Every day!

Makeup and hair daily


Be sure I have a mask with me when I go out

Tend my seedlings and growing vegetables

Tend my garden


Those I love

Those I’m in covenant with


Dentist and homeopath regularly

How can I make this happen?

I have various ways.  Post-it notes, alarms on my phone, calendar, coloured pegs, and a whole host more.  I'm very glad to live these days with so many options to choose from!

Who or what do you need to remember to remember?              

Sunday, August 23, 2020

How Can I Be More/Less Patient With Myself And Others?


Yeah… sometimes I am too patient.  I’m getting better…

Sometimes I’m not patient enough… 

I’m getting better at walking away, or avoiding/choosing my time with situations that try my patience –

like standing in queues… or driving in rush-hour traffic.

I’ve made lots of progress in the patience department.

Perhaps it’s in the “Accepting what I cannot change” department?


Just a thought:  What is patience?

Dictionary definition:  ability to remain calm and not become annoyed. 

Eg - when waiting for a long time, or when dealing with problems, or difficult people.


Yeah… I’m much better at it than I used to be able to be.


And – how can I be less patient with myself and others when I need to be?

By being aware… and thinking… and using what skill and experience I have.

And gaining more skill and experience when I’m able to…

And doing better when I know better…

And - Who/What needs to flow out of my life?

First thought is facebook adverts...  and facebook "suggested for you" items.

Very annoying...  I wish they had the category for why advert is hidden "annoying."  Or "presumptuous." Or "Unasked for."  I would click those every time.  On principle I don't watch adverts - nor do I watch any "suggested for you" items.

All those that don't or can't appreciate me will eventually flow out of my life.  And, all that I don't and can't appreciate will also flow out of my life.

My aching back needs to flow out of my life.  Actually, thankfully, it's much more comfortable than it was at the beginning of the year.

Actually, I "sift and save" daily.  And I can do better...  I visited a friend who has just lost her husband.  She is sorting out knowing that she'll be moving at the end of the month.  I renew my commitment to regularly give away and share with whoever needs what I no longer do.


How can you be more/less patient with yourself and others? 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

How Do I Handle Being Offended?


How can I handle it better when I feel offended?  Who/what can help me?  

I’m very seldom offended…

When we purchased our new dishwasher the salesman (coloured) 

referred a couple of times about “white” people… that sounded 

insolent? mocking? provocative? to me.  I was slightly unsettled.

Usually I can easily say 

“You know what… you are the one with the problem…” 

and feel patience and compassion for them.

I hope I can recognize when I am the one with the problem… 

and I hope I can think clearly and decided what I’m going to do about it – 

if I want to do something about it.

How do you handle being offended?

How can you handle it better?

Who or what can help you?

Sunday, August 9, 2020

What Worthwhile Battle Do I Fight Every Day?


Where do I find my courage to carry on?


I have a daily battle to drink my water!

I like water!

I know it is good to drink!


Having trained myself to drink less water for the last nearly four years

on the Durban Construction site… Site toilets are not nice…

I now have to reverse that training and remember to drink more water!

I’m getting there…

I get involved with what I am doing and forget!


Where do I find the courage to carry on?

I don’t know…

I just try and do my best with the knowledge and experience I have. 

When I know better I often do better.


What worthwhile battle do you fight every day?

Where do you find the courage to carry on?

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Where Do I Go For Answers?

Sunday Afternoon - August 2nd 2020

I go lots of places to find my answers.
I’ve gone inside myself and outside of myself to find what I needed.

I’ve needed answers in my life.
Some of my challenges have been complex and long-standing.

Sometimes I resort to prayer, reading the scriptures and fasting.
Sometimes I ask for a priesthood blessing.

Sometimes I’ve heard a voice speaking to me.

Sometimes I ‘consult’ noted authorities of the day through their writings and sharings.
Sometimes I visit with a doctor or other professional.
Sometimes I spend time with someone I know, including the younger ones I know!
Sometimes the groups I’ve joined provide me with valuable answers – and support.
Sometimes I just sit quietly, or walk, and think, think, think.
Working in the garden is a good time to ponder something that puzzles me.
Sometimes an answer comes to me in a dream.
Sometimes answers “come” to me, I just become aware of them.
I call that being Taught From On High.
Sometimes an answer becomes apparent to me - and I didn’t know I was looking for it!

I’ve come to know things by listening or watching others, listening to the radio or watching TV, movies or other media.
Sometimes my answers come when I’m reading, or writing, or making a collage.
My journals help me sort things out sometimes.
Some answers come whole, some in pieces of a puzzle I build..

How do I know I’ve received an answer?
I feel a flash of pure intelligence, an “Ah Ha” moment, or a quiet recognizing.
Sometimes I just feel deeply grateful, a delicious delight, an amazed awareness.

Usually I need to not be rushed or desperate for my answer!
I’ve learnt to be patient…
One answer came to me after 30 years of asking…

In what ways is this process, strategy, good for me, or not good for me?

I’ve learnt from experience when I’m on the wrong path for me…
I’ve learnt to not be intimidated, ashamed, proud or stubborn – most of the time.
I’ve learnt to make the changes I need to make sooner rather than later.
I save myself a lot of anxiety and heartache if I respond to my answers timeously!

I’m still looking for some answers…
I have no doubt I’ll recognize them when they come.
In the meantime, I continue with faith in my every footstep.
I continue to seek for everything virtuous, lovely, of good report or praiseworthy.
I’ve endured many things and hope to endure all things that are mine to endure.
I'm a disciple of Jesus the Christ.
I’ve sought in faith and commitment for truth, wisdom, courage, serenity, dignity and grace.

I’ve made progress!

I’ll carry on, carry on, carry on.

Where do you go for your answers?
And – in what ways is this good/not good for you?