Sunday, August 2, 2020

Where Do I Go For Answers?

Sunday Afternoon - August 2nd 2020

I go lots of places to find my answers.
I’ve gone inside myself and outside of myself to find what I needed.

I’ve needed answers in my life.
Some of my challenges have been complex and long-standing.

Sometimes I resort to prayer, reading the scriptures and fasting.
Sometimes I ask for a priesthood blessing.

Sometimes I’ve heard a voice speaking to me.

Sometimes I ‘consult’ noted authorities of the day through their writings and sharings.
Sometimes I visit with a doctor or other professional.
Sometimes I spend time with someone I know, including the younger ones I know!
Sometimes the groups I’ve joined provide me with valuable answers – and support.
Sometimes I just sit quietly, or walk, and think, think, think.
Working in the garden is a good time to ponder something that puzzles me.
Sometimes an answer comes to me in a dream.
Sometimes answers “come” to me, I just become aware of them.
I call that being Taught From On High.
Sometimes an answer becomes apparent to me - and I didn’t know I was looking for it!

I’ve come to know things by listening or watching others, listening to the radio or watching TV, movies or other media.
Sometimes my answers come when I’m reading, or writing, or making a collage.
My journals help me sort things out sometimes.
Some answers come whole, some in pieces of a puzzle I build..

How do I know I’ve received an answer?
I feel a flash of pure intelligence, an “Ah Ha” moment, or a quiet recognizing.
Sometimes I just feel deeply grateful, a delicious delight, an amazed awareness.

Usually I need to not be rushed or desperate for my answer!
I’ve learnt to be patient…
One answer came to me after 30 years of asking…

In what ways is this process, strategy, good for me, or not good for me?

I’ve learnt from experience when I’m on the wrong path for me…
I’ve learnt to not be intimidated, ashamed, proud or stubborn – most of the time.
I’ve learnt to make the changes I need to make sooner rather than later.
I save myself a lot of anxiety and heartache if I respond to my answers timeously!

I’m still looking for some answers…
I have no doubt I’ll recognize them when they come.
In the meantime, I continue with faith in my every footstep.
I continue to seek for everything virtuous, lovely, of good report or praiseworthy.
I’ve endured many things and hope to endure all things that are mine to endure.
I'm a disciple of Jesus the Christ.
I’ve sought in faith and commitment for truth, wisdom, courage, serenity, dignity and grace.

I’ve made progress!

I’ll carry on, carry on, carry on.

Where do you go for your answers?
And – in what ways is this good/not good for you? 

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