Sunday, September 20, 2020

What good, true and meaningful groups am I a part of?

I like the groups I am a part of.  If I didn't I'd change them.

This much I am sure of...
As far as I know I have one precious life to live.
I want to live it to the best of my ability.
I want to have as few regrets as possible.
I want to enjoy my every day, every week of my life.

My primary group I belong to is my family.

Other groups I've belonged to:


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Relief Society
FAMSA (Family and Marriage Society of South Africa)
LifeLine West Rand
Randburg Horticultural Society
St Stithian's Choir
Roodepoort Garden Club
Boy Scouts of South Africa
Quadrille Quilters West Rand
A Pottery Group
An Art group
West Rand Photographical Society
Tai Chi at the Gardens
U3A - University of the Third Age 


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Relief Society
Tai Chi at the Gardens

Now with the internet I belong to several facebook groups that bring me information - like:

Meridian Magazine
LDS Mental Health Support Group
I Love My Family
Time Out For Women
Come Unto Christ
Livingseeds Veggie Gardeners
Tai Chi Connection
South African Depression and Anxiety Group
Happy Latter-day Saints
The FLYLady
BBC Earth
SA People - For South Africans in South Africa and ex-pats
South Africa The Good News

Do I need to change anything?  

When I feel the need to change anything I will.  I do.

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