Sunday, September 27, 2020

What Do I Really Truly Believe?

I think I'm an odd one...

Here's the definition of "believe:"

"verb (used without object), 

to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: 

Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully."

I guess... since I act purposefully I believe more than I thought I did?

This much I know - There's little that I know...

(Sometimes I listen to others who "know" this and that... and wonder if I am missing something?)  

And yet - I prefer to be me, and trust what I know.

Somehow or other I know I am a Daughter of God.
I know He knows about me.
I know that my life is worthwhile to me.
I hope it is worthwhile to Him and to others in my daily life, wherever I am.
I know I am a Disciple of Jesus the Christ.
I know I am who I am, and I am not who I am not.
I frequently know I'm glad I was not a pioneer.

And that's about it...

For all the rest - I'll "bloom where I am planted."
And I'm pretty sure I'd bloom wherever I was planted.

If I don't like where I am planted, and if I possibly can, decently, I'll transplant myself somehow or other, sooner or later.

Life's short... Sometimes shorter than we can possibly imagine!

I know that life can change in an instant, suddenly.

I knew that for sure when I sat waiting for a red robot to change and saw a car coming in the lane across the median from my left, enter the slip way for him to turn left.  He was going too fast.   He flipped and landed on the waiting cars at the red robot opposite me in the other far lane!  He's flown over two empty lanes to land on cars in the far of the other two lanes!  (That image is still so vividly clear in my mind...) 

Well... that's the moment I KNEW for sure that life could change in an instant!
And - you, my reader, might still be completely oblivious of how your life could be about to forever change!
And - you might be totally innocent!

I was on my way to the Temple in Johannesburg.
When I got there I put on the prayer roll "All those involved in the accident I just saw."

I had the message confirmed when waiting at another robot a while later.  I had the most peaceful feeling wash over me, like, flood through me.  After the robot for me changed to red and the cars in two lanes opposite right of me stopped, I edged forward to turn to my right onto the motorway before the light turned green for the cars on my left to go.  There were three lanes across from me, and three oncoming lanes.  The right turning lane for them was empty and the other two lanes were filled with stopped cars.  According to witness reports afterwards, as I turned to my right, an oncoming double cab pick-up with three unstrapped children in the back switched lanes from his far left, to his far right (right-turn-only) lane and flew straight through the intersection (red light for him) and crashed into the passenger side of my husband's three-month new car that I was driving!  My husband's car was a right-off.  Fortunately the car I was driving was a Citroen C5 otherwise I would have been very seriously injured rather than moderately injured.  

Yep... life can change in an instant. 

So - what do I really, truly believe that moves me to act purposefully every day?

I believe that life is worthwhile.
I believe that I am unique, special and irreplaceable.
I believe everyone else is too.
I believe the earth, and caring for it, is important.
I believe that being your best self is important.
I believe that family is important - though it is always less than most of us would wish.
I believe we have much to learn about ourselves and others in our family relationships.
I believe that physical, spiritual and mental health is important.
I believe that freedom is important.
I believe that right and wrong is important.
I believe that patriotism is important.
I believe that promises are important.
I believe that marriage contracts, vows and covenants are important.
I believe that children are important.
I believe that if you have a child you are responsible for that child.
I believe that parenting your own children is important - If it is is any way possible.
If it is not possible to raise your own child, I believe you have a responsibility to make decisions in the best interest of the child.
I believe that a child increasingly becomes responsible for the choices they make.
I believe that adding value of some sort, every day, is important.
I believe that being part of a good and worthwhile group is important.
I believe that working co-operatively in worthwhile causes is important.
I believe goodwill and civility are important.
I believe that learning is important.
I believe that learning from others is important.
I believe that learning from our own experience is important.
I believe that enjoying something every day is important.
I believe that considering "Where will this lead?" is important.
I believe that every choice we make is important.
I believe every choice we make may need to be accounted for sometime in the future.
I believe that choosing is important.

What I believe is well expressed in the 13th Article of Faith I profess:

I believe in being honest, true (trustworthy,) chaste, benevolent and virtuous, and in doing good to all men.  I follow (as best I can) the admonition of Paul (my favourite in the New Testament.)  I believe all (good, true and useful) things, I hope all (good, true and useful) things, I have endured many things (thankfully, not many other things I know about,)  and I hope to be able to endure all the things (that will be mine to endure in the future.)  If there is ANYTHING virtuous, lovely of good report or praiseworthy, I SEEK after THESE things. (emphasis added)

I'm very grateful for those who have gifts and talents differing to mine.  I'm very grateful for those who choose to do the "tough stuff" in life - lawyers, police, emergency personnel, defense forces, politicians.  I'm very grateful for Bishops, Stake and Area Presidents, General Authorities. 

And so I go on - one day at a time - doing my best (most of the time) in day-tight compartments.  And at the same time I really, truly believe that if/when I am prepared I shall not fear, I need not fear, whatever comes my way - knowing that I've done my best.  I can live those days ahead of me - whatever they bring - with dignity and grace being patient and honest with myself and others.

I believe I will stand before the pleasing bar of God one day and account for my one precious life.  I look forward to going and reporting on my living of my God-given life.

How did I come to believe this?

I'm not sure... I think by sifting and saving what feels good, true and useful to me from what has come my way?  This much I realise I prove all things and hold fast to that which feels good to me.  

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