Sunday, October 11, 2020

What Do I "See" Now That I Didn't "See" Before?

CHOICES... every day.

 I see many things now that I didn't see before.  More in myself, in others and in the world.

I see that very few things in life really matter to me.
I see that each day gone is gone forever.
I see that enjoying as much of my every-day life as I can is important to me.
I see that I want to live in such a way that I have as few regrets as possible when I die.
I see I want to be comfortable in my own skin.
I see I want to be myself, my best self, as much as I can.
I see I love and appreciate my husband as much as I can.
I see I love and appreciate each of my children as much as I can.
I see I love my grandchildren and great-grandchildren as much as I can.
I see my siblings are important to me.
I see the preciousness of my good friends.
I see more of the unveiled ugliness, brazenness and harshness of life in and around me.
I see more of the real beauty, valiance and goodness of life in and around me.
I see the importance of living my own life and allowing others to live their own lives.

I see living a good and Godly life is important to me.
I see comfort, contentment, compassion and composure are important to me.
I see faith, commitment, wisdom and courage are qualities I cultivate.
I see physical, mental, spiritual and social health is important to me.
I see I love this world in all its variety and splendour.
I see value in cultivating a vegetable garden.  I'm learning a lot.
I see that adding value each day is what I do.
I see "A nice quiet life" is what I strive for.

In what ways am I wiser/poorer for seeing?
Well, I hope I'm wiser!
I feel wiser.
I feel more content, more patient.

What do you see now that you didn't see before?
In what ways are you wiser/poorer for seeing now?

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