Sunday, October 25, 2020

What Can I Change So I'll Be Happier?


What can I change to be happier?  How can I make my every day happier?
Now these are some more interesting questions to consider!

(When I compiled these questions last year I never dreamt how thought-provoking, soul-searching  and useful I would find them...)

What comes immediately to mind is:

Paint the garden walls?
I'm getting myself ready to do that.
I need to mull over what I want to do to be sure it is what I want to do.
I also give myself time so I find the most efficient and pleasing way for me to do "it."
So far I figure if I do one set of panels a painting session, I'll enjoy doing the job.
I reckon it'll take me about a month to do them all.
And it won't get too tired per day.
And I won't get too hot - I'll choose a cooler time of the day to do my one set of panels.
And the paint brush and roller won't get too yucky to clean.

Give away more "things?"
Each week I give away a few more things.

Tidy the spare-room storeroom?
I'm pondering on that...
It has too many things in it.
The roof also has a leak so at the moment there are things on the floor to catch the drips until the leak is attended to - not quite sure how to do it yet... 
I have a tentative plan so far.  It will get done.

Find or have made/make more summer pants?
I know what I want.  I know what I need.
I can't find it in the shops I've been to.
So - I'm about to go to the fabric shop and see if I can find what I want.
I'll either make them myself or find someone to make them for me.
I haven't decided that yet.

Be more diligent with my house-keeping/home maintenance?
(It's easier for me to keep a home tidy enough and sufficiently maintained 
than to remedy neglected states.)
(And going about it steadily spreads the cost more evenly...  
I think it costs less to keep maintained than to rehabilitate...) 
Actually I found my card system for Side-tracked Home Executives (SHE) 
and am happily using them again. 
I find I'm also influenced by FLYlady so I'm adding some of those terms on my cards.  These systems work for me!  They help me keep myself a little more organized.  
I'm naturally not organized.  
Actually, I'm organized in my own way - which looks to other people like not organized... 
And also, to me "People are More Important than Things."  
So - often the people in my life, me included, are prioritized.  

So already I feel more cheerful these last few back-achey days of this back-achey year.
(What IS that all about????)

I'm generally content and peaceful.  
I flow as much as I can - let as few things bother me as I can.

So... onward, ever onward.
One day at a time.

What can you change to be happier?
And - How can you make your every day happier?

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