Monday, March 30, 2015

Birthday Celebration

We had our Relief Society's 172nd Birthday Celebration Saturday morning.

First we sat opposite another sister.
On the table for each pair was a pair of questions to choose from
and answer for one minute.
Then swop around.
Leave the questions at the spot you found them. 
After two minutes (one answer each) move to the next left hand chair.
Repeat the process.
I remember some of questions I answered:
"What did you enjoy about school?"
"If you knew you wouldn't fail, what would you do?"
"What recently are you most proud of?"
"If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?"
Then we switched into three teams and played
"Minute to Winit" type games.
Tongue depressor in your mouth,
load it with five dice, hold for five seconds.
Drop any and start again.

Great fun watching and cheering your team!

Second round of that.

The onlookers...

Nose in Vaseline, then pick up a cotton-wool ball,
shake if off into another bowl - repeat for one minute. 
Winner is the one with the most cotton-wool balls transferred.

Place an Oreo on your forehead, move it with your facial muscles to and into your mouth.
Winner the one who does it first.

Second round of that...

Using a straw, transfer Smarties from one bowl to another.
Winner - the one who transfers the most in a minute (or all in less).

Fill your mouth with marshmallows and say something intelligible.

This was a Kodak snap-shot as one little daughter came in from
the Primary Activity Day being held at the same time.

We had a lovely time together!
Just sorry our new Relief Society President, Aurah Agyare-Dwomoh, missed it. 
Her daughter was taken to hospital during the night with an raging fever.
I must find out how she is doing.

Lovely sunset Saturday evening.

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