Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dawn Enid Nickola

Dawn (unmarried) was born 2nd June 1933 and died 3rd March 2015.
She is Vi's niece, Glenn's cousin.
The funeral service was at the St Ursula's Convent in Krugersdorp North.
Dawn is buried in the Paardekraal Cemetery
near her grandmother Emily Jane (Smith) Clarke,
Vi and her sister Winifred's (Auntie Win) mother,
among the thirteen children in all.
Vi was the only one of her generation there.
Her surviving brothers Eddie and Viv were not able to be there.
We walked past Emily Jane's grave to Dawn's resting place.

Dawn is buried in the same grave as her mother and father, and her brother.

The headstone was removed so that this burial could take place.

The red and white Roses with white Chrysanthemums on the lowering coffin
are from Vi, Glenn and I, and John and Brenda. 

Vi was very glad she went...
She met family members she hasn't seen in a long while.

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