Monday, June 1, 2015

Three Weeks Down... Three To Go!

Half way to more normal function!

My wrist has not ached the last three days - hooray!
My left leg still is sensitive and dented.  I hope the hollow fills up!
I have more strength and dexterity in my right thumb, index and middle fingers.
I see why a pincers prosthesis is useful to someone who has lost a hand.
My ribs/collar/bone/sternum pain is all but gone.
My two forehead scars are getting less tender.
My head/scalp, which was about a third numb, has more and more sensation.

I can now cut more salad, fruit and veg with some adaptation.
I can make the bed now, still can't put on pillowcases yet.

Making progress!
I shall definitely be using bannisters in future -
germs on the one hand... or safety on the other? 
I will deal with the germs - I will be thinking of you Dianne!

I am looking forward to visiting the UK soon!
I imagine in two or three weeks.

Mostly I want to be able to be comfortable in flight and travelling,
and be able to share a bed with Glenn without feeling crowded
and not groaning in my sleep.  I was happy to sleep on my side
for a bit last night.

On Saturday I just wanted to be OUT!
We went to Kloofendal Nature Reserve and walked.
Along the way I wondered if I would make it!  I have lost fitness!
It was lovely to be there!

My daily reminder the last few days has read:

"Take a walk in the woods or calendar when you will..."

This was my walk in the woods.

We took this path... clambering over rocks is not for me now.
We returned to the other way.

We found this little dam.
So peaceful!

I was sorry about the pylons, but I'm glad for electricity!

We watched these ducks swim across the dam.

I thought "Your being here sends ripples for a long time..."
Our being here and what we do also sends ripples for a long time too.

After resting a while we walked to the bird hide.

See the ripples still there?

Lovely winter plants.

Winter is our fire time too.
Fires across the valley towards the West.

This is time to watch every step!

Interesting how the leaves on the bush are full and flat,
and when they fall off they are like tubes on the ground.

I loved this splash of bright green.

I loved my Autumn crunching walk on the carpet of crisp leaves.

Our succulents are so lovely at this time of the year.

I left feeling very tired.  I was very glad to sit down in the car.
My soul was refreshed and restored.
I'm glad we did it!

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