Monday, September 19, 2016

Sunday Afternoon Cabin Fever...

Sunday was rainy and cold.

After lunch and attending to the things we needed to we took a drive to our Spot.

We sat and soaked in the loveliness and talked and sat.
I wiped the windscreen every now and again.

Lovely leaden sky and grey-turquoise sea...

We drove down a little along the road
and repeated the quietness again in the new Spot
where we found a space!

The first one has a few parking spaces
so we often find place to be there,
the second one at the end of the road has only three
and this is the first time we have been able to park there. 

I came back feeling like a new woman,
a chilly new woman...
Cold enough for a heater!  Which we don't have!
I put on extra clothes instead and felt comfortable enough.

Doug helped Glenn sort out internet challenges late in the evening.
We have got a 'new' device - again, which we don't understand either...
Thank you Douglas for helping us so expertly!

Perhaps the end of our internet uncertainty is in sight?

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