Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sunday Afternoon - 17th February - Books I am Reading

For the Record...

Vincent (on mission in Spain) sends a letter each week with a photo of himself.
I like receiving his letters.  I will try it too.  Perhaps I will like doing it.
Actually, I only do things I like to do – as much as possible.
“Happiness is loving what you have to do.”  As well as loving what you LOVE to do!

Monday to Thursday this week - scheduled load-shedding stages two three or four, meaning –
two, three or four two-hour periods of no electricity in 24 hours, one while we are asleep.  With consulting the schedule on our door and some pre-planning, no big deal for me…  What I did enjoy was the q-u-i-e-t… and the enforced change of pace.

This week I want to share what I am reading at present -  I read a bit each day from all of these -  
(All that I read is interesting and useful to me – If it isn’t, I stop.   I love and need to read each day to be happy and to keep learning – which is essential to me.)

The Bible - Old Testament at the moment (Jeremiah)
and Book of Mormon (3rd Nephi)
Ensign, New Era, Friend - February 2019.

These 4 books from the La Lucia library -  

I finished today the 1970’s book
“The Helper” by Catherine Marshall.  On the library sale table for R10.  Her thoughts and understanding of the Holy Ghost.  Her sharing useful for me to consider as I ponder and pray about my own experiences.

“Happiness by Design - finding pleasure and purpose in everyday life.”  By behavioral science Professor Paul Dolan.  I love it!  I am learning lots about balancing pleasure and purpose every day, and being happy (happier – I am content and happy most days.)   I used to listen as much at home as I could to 12 minutes each weekday to Joyce Meyer on Radio Pulpit (AM-657) “Enjoying Everyday Life.”  I learnt a lot!  This book by Paul Dolan adds to that solid foundation.  (Radio Pulpit is not available here on radio, but I have found it on my tablet on Tune-In Radio!  I listen when I remember – about quarter past eight Monday to Friday.)

“The Suitcase Stories” is a beautifully designed and illustrated book by Glynis Clatcherty about refugee children from various African countries in the grip of war and horror.  Heart-wrenching.  It’s about children, some children as young as 7, who find their way to Hillbrow, Johannesburg.   Some social workers created the “Suitcase Project” to perhaps help them remember through paint and drawing their stories on and in their chosen and decorated suitcases - an effort to help them along in their healing and reclaiming their identities.  Very sobering to think about those young ones who might look ‘together’ who have experienced what children ought not to have to.

My fourth (library) book is “Ethical Ambition” by Derrick Bell – civil rights activist and law professor.  Sometimes I get tired of black (or any other impassioned) activism argument. I hear so much on the radio (SAFM.)  My heart sank when I realized his initial acts of opposition and what I might be in for.  As I read more and more of the book, he broadens his material to where it might be useful to me too.  Lots to think about anyway. 

(I once heard a quote many years ago on Radio South Africa or its predecessor “Women who believe they are equal demand equal treatment.  Women who know they are, don’t.” I haven’t been able to find the quote on the internet – I have it in one of my notebooks at home.  When I go home I might remember to look for it.  (I would recognize her voice if I heard it again…  She was a regular presenter.)  I remember straightening my resolve then to not protest and demand, but to proceed with confidence that I am equal to any and all other God’s children.  It has stood me in good stead. 
I remind myself – When we all get out of bed in the morning, our sheets are crumpled. We all need to go to the toilet.  We all get sick on occasion.  We all have access to the beautiful skies, the sun, moon and stars, the clouds, rain, and storms…, gorgeous colours! Light, dusk, dawn and darkness.

So – that’s my reading for now, and some thoughts from me.  Nice to spend some time with you!  What are you doing?  Reading?  Thinking about?  I love you!  I love hearing from you!

Enjoy your week!   Judy

(Wearing mascara again!  Hooray!)

Pink hard hat – I chose it – I like it.
Soft hat – sun and glare protection.  I like my hat.
Scarf – gold for ‘virtue’ reminder,
and quick nose and mouth protection in dusty, and fumy, areas.
The black alice-bandy thing on top of my scarf –
quick ear protection in noisy areas.
I always wear black T shirt and trousers – I like black.
I don’t have to think about “What am I going to wear today…”
I decided once – for work.  (I still decide at other times…)
Black T shirt is sensible when editing photos –
no patterned reflection on my glossy laptop screen.

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