Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sunday Afternoon - February 24th - Amazing!

I’m amazed…

I made an N.O.T. kinesiology appointment for Wednesday.
I’m amazed at how much more peaceful my body feels!
Beyond words I know to describe my sense of well-being.
I think there are “more things in heaven and earth… than are dreamt of in our philosophy…”   (Shakespeare) (No – actually, I know that.)

I was amazed at the breathtaking beauty of the full moon earlier this week.
I am amazed every day on the site to realize all that goes into any building we use.
I’m amazed at how many people of all talents and capacities add their ‘little bit’ to the whole.
I’m amazed at how important each of these individuals is…

I’m amazed to realize we’ve been here as long as we have, and it feels like home…
I’ve come to realize that “Home for me is wherever I am…”
And it’s good to know I have a home in Discovery, and I will be going back there sometime this year.

I’m amazed at how trees and plants grow!
When we get home I will need to organize some SERIOUS pruning after three,
maybe four, Augusts of it not being done…

I’m amazed at how frail Vi looks.  Is.
I’m amazed at how our children’s and grandchildren’s lives are unfolding!
I’m amazed seeing Kieran and Cheryn’s little ones – how they grow!

When I look back at my Durban Temple Construction Week 1 and the other early reports I wrote…
I’m amazed at how my writing, photography and technology skills have been honed –
one week at a time.  I’m grateful my writing needs less editing than it used to need!
I’m amazed at how comforted I am that professionals, who do their work every day,
also ‘miss’ this or that.  Being on the site has been an education!  In many ways!

What amazes you?  Thanks for being your amazing you!

I love you!  And I’m grateful for you!

Happy Birthday Les!  For the 23rd



 Reflection of the early morning full moon seen from our spare room balcony sliding doors.
You can see one of my sixteen toy snakes reflected too – 
they deter the birds and monkeys from making a nuisance of themselves on our two balconies - 
and from coming in our flat to snatch fruit or food.  
They are canny, and bold!  So far, I’ve (or the snakes've) outwitted them…

Some of our front balcony snakes.  I'm quite fond of them I must say...

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