Saturday, June 15, 2019

Saturday Afternoon 15th June 2019 - Waiting...

My two sties in my left eye turned out to be four!
Not painful after I started the homeopathic eye drops…
Perhaps the homeopathic treatment made the other two evident?
All four are now all but settled.
Hopefully the root cause is now attended to…
Otherwise I will see what my next step is.

When I went for my spectacles, the optometrist there asked
“How did you decide to come here?”

I said “I live my life guided by how I feel.  I felt to come here.”
Afterwards, as many times when I answer immediately!…
I thought “That’s a part-explanation…”

I think things out, consider the consequences short and long-term,
wait a few days (whenever I can) go ‘inside’ and look around,
see who the people there are,  ask some opinions sometimes,
read up about “it” sometimes, pray sometimes, specifically,
or just pondering, and wait some more…

One day, or one minute, I know “There you are… go ahead…”
How do I know that moment?  I’m not sure I can put words to it…
It’s as though the “wait” in me is lifted, released,
and the way forward is opened up.  I see my ‘way’ forward.
Sometimes I ‘recognise’ the people I was waiting for are now here…
Or the money, or the time, or… whatever I was waiting for to be there.

I suppose, thinking about it, that I wait to use both sides of my brain
and also feel for the confirmation of the Holy Ghost.

Sometimes I realise “the moment is here” and act. 
Then, thinking about it afterwards I realise I had been waiting…
not knowing what I was waiting for, not even conscious I was waiting!

Most interesting experiences.

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