Isn't this gorgeous!
I look forward to this pillar of Autumn foliage every year...
It really gladdens my heart each time I walk past it.
Life is Very Good... The Moon That Shines Over Me Shines Over My Loved Ones...
Monday, April 27, 2020
Coronation Chicken
We enjoyed Coronation Chicken at our "86 and 21 celebration last week."
It was very well received. It is, every time I make it.
I was asked for the recipe.
Perhaps you would like to make it too.
I used chicken fillets instead of thighs.
From "Annette Human - Choice Recipes"
I think I got this off the internet when we were in Durban?
It was very well received. It is, every time I make it.
I was asked for the recipe.
Perhaps you would like to make it too.
I used chicken fillets instead of thighs.
From "Annette Human - Choice Recipes"
What Changes Do I Need To Make?
Afternoon – April 26th 2020
you say “What a day…” For us it’s been
“What a week…”
it’s been a good week!
birthday celebration last Sunday – lunch and afternoon/evening together at Doug
and Nadia’s, we had Doug and Nadia, Ethan Daena and Cabryn here for supper on
Tuesday; Ethan’s supper and opening of his mission call to Cape Town mission on
Thursday at Doug and Nadia’s;
Doug and Nadia’s 21st wedding anniversary, combined with Nadia’s grandmother’s 86th birthday celebration supper here on Friday evening. 12 of us wandering there and here to rejoice and celebrate together… (Doug, Nadia, Ethan, Daena, Cabryn; Travis, Kayla; Nadia's mother Erene, Erene's mother Miriam (or Marion to some) and Erene's daughter Roisin; and Glenn and me.)
the way we updated ourselves with the current Corona Virus national
information, and accomplished more property maintenance and development: Glenn replaced a toilet washer, and another
toilet fitting, took out our old shower in the other part of the house, cleaned
it and replaced the shower – it was leaking.
I did more gardening and sorting, particularly in our outside
storeroom. Satisfying, I must say.
Monday –
(Freedom Day)
And, here we are into the new week…
It’s a public holiday here – not that it makes
any difference... J
Not much
change in our routines, just different programming on the radio programmes.
And now
– on to the question to consider for the week…
What changes do I need to make?
Why do I need to make them?
I’m one
of those who is making changes all the time as I realise I’m “off track.”
(Off the
track I decide I want to travel on.)
I wonder
where I learnt that?
I think
perhaps it grew into my consciousness?
remember feeling at one point “Oh! I’ve
let my standard slip…”
And –
“This doesn’t feel nice for me… What needs to be done?”
Also –
“Oh! Am I supposed to influence, if I
And –
“My children don’t take me seriously because I do not get angry…”
“I don’t
like the way I sounded – to myself! No
matter how I sounded to him/her…”
“Oh Judy
– that was a low blow… What on earth were you thinking when you said that?!”
“I acknowledge
you have the right to behave and speak the way you choose…
you’ll lose me if you don’t find your ways to govern yourself better…”
“I claim
the privilege of worshiping according to the dictates of my own conscience.”
also have that privilege to worship, or not, who, how, where and what you may.”
didn’t sign up for this…”
“This is
more than I know how to deal with… who can help me?”
fair and friendly… that who I am. How
can we live this together...?”
“I am a
wonderful, worthy woman of God. I deserve
to be loved and appreciated…
I am worthy. I am loved and appreciated… by many others.”
“I am
your mother… you are my teenage child…
I will
behave in an adult manner no matter how you react and behave.”
choose my life and how I’ll be (within the bounds that I can’t change.
Or the changes I'm not going to make. You can pull out you want to, I'm not going to.)”
Or the changes I'm not going to make. You can pull out you want to, I'm not going to.)”
course… I was not always successful in the face of the voices and actions of
accusation, opposition, provocation, and immaturity from within me to myself
and others,
and from
those outside of and around me.
I could
not be more mature than I was able to be.
were those around me able to be more mature than they were able to be.
None of
us can know what we don’t know yet, or be mature than we can be at any given
we’re all growing, striving, growing up.
or other I did not give up on those important to me, and they did not give up
on me…
learnt to respect ourselves and each other in increasing degrees I think?
I guess
we learnt, and are still learning, to live, love, learn, set and keep rational and
civil limits.
there is some sort of worthwhile legacy of what we want to pass down to our
future generations and what we want to let go of and not pass down.
And that
“worthwhile or worthless legacy” does not depend only on what I, and we,
I hope I
keep on changing in ways that make me a better person and easier to live with.
changes do you still need to make, and why?
I love
Mom /
Judy / Gran Judy etc
(Number 240) made an impression on me when I was a child.
continues to be deeply meaningful to me.
(I hope
it is included in the new hymnbook currently being compiled…)
this, that ev’ry soul is free
To choose
his life and what he’ll be;
For this eternal truth
is giv’n:
That God will force no
man to heav’n.
He’ll call, persuade, direct aright,
And bless with wisdom, love, and light,
In nameless ways be good and kind,
But never force the human mind.
and reason make us men;
these away, what are we then?
Mere animals, and just
as well
The beasts may think of
heav’n or hell.
May we no more our pow’rs abuse,
But ways of truth and goodness choose;
Our God is pleased when we improve
His grace and seek his perfect love.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Who/What Do I Really Love?
Monday afternoon April 20th 2020
Each day I remind myself of what is important to me. If/When I want to I will change my list.
To each of us our own priorities…
Who/what do I really love? In what ways is this good for me/not good for me?
Last week was the week I made some cloth masks.
I hauled down plastic crates of fabrics gathered from
projects and stored.
Short-sleeved shirts bought from the shop for Glenn are
too short in the sleeves.
What I’ve done is buy long sleeved shirts and cut them to
‘longer short’ sleeves.
So – I had a bunch of sleeve cut-offs as well as loads of
other fabrics.
The sleeves did for the outer layers of three masks, the
other fabrics for the other layers.
I felt like using the striped cut off of one of my T
shirts for the fourth mask.
I fiddled around with a pattern from the internet.
And in the end I made it my own to make it more
So – here are my four masks.
I might make some more – I learnt from mine, and
seeing the ones Dianne made…
And then it was on to thinking about our 71st
and 75th birthday and also 50th wedding anniversary - all on the same day…
Doug came and asked what we’d like to mark the occasion.
He offered for his family to make dinner for us.
That felt lovely!
I gratefully accepted.
Later I thought… I know what would be meaningful to me!
If his children (more technologically adept than I) would
digitize my photograph albums…
He discussed it with them and they agreed.
Sigh of relief…
We enjoyed a lovely evening with them – roast dinner at
Glenn’s request,
At a later time we’ll take off for a weekend somewhere…
And now to the question for the week:
Who/What do I really love?
In what ways is this good for me/not good for me?
Well – I really love living my life.
Isn’t this little
lizard just exquisite?
And I paused a couple of times this week to enjoy a
beautifully marked large moth and another time a smaller but still magnificent
little moth.
I am amazed at the gorgeous detail in a flower.
Yesterday I sat and watched a couple of birds bouncing on
the stems of the geranium outside the spare room window.
I love the sound of the wind swishing through the pine
needles in the park opposite us.
I love the taste and texture of my breakfast fruit and
vegetable smoothie each morning.
I love the feel of the cotton sheets on our bed.
I love living and learning.
A long time ago – it seems – I decided on ten priorities
for me to concentrate on each day. I
wrote them out and stuck them in the lid of the plastic box that contains my
makeup I apply every day.
“Do my best – most of the time” is really, really
honest. Sometimes I just do not want to
do my best. I am ornery. That signals to
me that it’s time for me to take some “Time Out.” Sometimes ‘sufficient’ is good enough, my ‘best’
is not necessary. I try for enough for
each “thing” I need to participate in, not too little and not too much. I like the phrase “sufficient for my (these)
And – I have long wanted to become a woman of faith and
commitment, wisdom and courage.
When I go to bed at night I want to have few regrets.
And, when I depart this life, I want to be glad to go and
report rather than look back with regrets.
In what ways is this list and my daily life good for me?
It keeps me from being too distracted by all the
fascinating and interesting things and people that happen upon my daily path.
Concentrating on my list of ten helps me have time to
meander, wander and wonder, read something uplifting and learn something every
day. I enjoy my days because they don’t
get too crowded.
In what ways might my priorities and my daily life not be
good for me?
I might miss someone or something critically important
for me
to attend to…
I hope not too blinkered to miss who or what is
vital for me
to see, hear, be a part of…
To each of us our own priorities…
Who/What do you really love? In what ways is this good for you/not good
for you?
Mom / Judy / Gran Judy etc
Mom / Judy / Gran Judy etc
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Kairos Biscuits
I made these on Sunday and shared them with our neighbours.
The newspaper they are lying on is a 2013 newspaper from England about the birth of Prince George. :) Interesting reading whilst I work on this and that!
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Who/What Do I Listen to?
Afternoon – April 12th 2020 –
Sunday… A time to remember New Beginnings…
for me every day is a New Beginning.
I wake
up and think, and sometimes say “I get to live another day!”
week our lock-down time was extended to the end of April.
I’m just
fine with that…
enjoying the less stress of this time.
grateful I have a home to live in, a safe home.
grateful for the food I’ve accumulated over the months we’ve been home.
week I worked on sorting out our 72 hour kits.
They are
up-to-date now and ready should we need to use them.
are a couple of items I’ll add when the lock-down is over,
week I came across four holocaust stories.
This was
the first one – I was impressed by the girl's lovely face... and also by the title.
“All my
And then I watched three more.
“Whose Child are You?”
“They Gave me Life”
“That’s What I Hope”
made me really sit down and think about many things…
How fortunate I am... And what adversity they survived - at such a young age...
And now - the question ( from 2020 Focus) I put together a long time ago for this week:
“Who/What Do I Listen to?”
How fortunate I am... And what adversity they survived - at such a young age...
And now - the question ( from 2020 Focus) I put together a long time ago for this week:
“Who/What Do I Listen to?”
I have discovered that I listen to everyone – I’m constantly looking for what
is good, true and useful to me. I don’t
keep on listening if it doesn’t feel good to me, for me. I might have to still be ‘there’ but I’m not
‘present.’ Sometimes I speak up – if I
think it important, or that it might do some good for someone involved in the
conversation… Otherwise I can keep silent. I remember one instance when I was silent. When I think back, perhaps it might have been
useful to speak – I’m still not quite sure.
it’s just not time to listen… so I don’t.
learnt from many people along the way.
Paul in
the Bible said “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thes 5:21
That was
a relief to me. I explore all sorts of
things when they come across my path. Sometimes
I go searching. All my learning has
helped me understand myself as well as more and more people – for which I am
very grateful.
One of
my favourite pieces of very useful stuff came from a Muslim woman in a group I
was co-training at LifeLine. I will add
it to the end of this piece.
I love
the radio: SAFM, Radio Pulpit, Radio
Sonder Grense, and TED Talks, and other talks on my phone. I’m so glad to live in this day and age when
knowledge is poured out. I sift and save.
holiday I was reading such an interesting book I had taken with me to read. I remember saying to Heavenly Father “I’m so
sorry I’m not reading my scriptures right now, this early morning – this is so
interesting! I’m learning so much…” I ‘heard’ Him answer me “I told you to astudy and blearn, and become acquainted with all good
books, and with clanguages, tongues, and people.” D&C 90:5
Another time I was troubled by a question
I had from some training I received. This came to my mind… “…you must astudy it out in
your bmind; then you
must cask me if it be
right, and if it is right I will cause that your dbosom shall eburn within
you; therefore, you shall ffeel that it is
But if it be not right you shall have
no such feelings, but you shall have a astupor of
thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong;” D&C 9:8
And this reminded me of the night I pleaded for clarity...
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, if
you desire a further witness, cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto
me in your heart, that you might aknow concerning
the truth of these things.
Did I not speak apeace to your
mind concerning the matter? What greater bwitness can you
have than from God?” D&C 6:22,23
I answered the phone once and before I knew it filth was spewed into my head by an electronic voice. I put down the phone amid "her" subsequent sentence. I struggled to get rid of it. I remember vacuuming and saying "Get out! Get out of my head! I do not want this contamination in my head!" I also prayed for cleansing of my mind. Eventually it came. I'd forgotten about that time, until now...
At other times I've needed to explore and find out just how good and remarkable my life was/is. Time to really celebrate! Other times I had/have to come face to face with just how bad and awful my "circumstance" really was/is... and find options, and explore, search and pray for more until some strategy and path beyond "the present" became/becomes clear and possible for me, considering all the ramifications I can think of - for myself and all the people involved...
I answered the phone once and before I knew it filth was spewed into my head by an electronic voice. I put down the phone amid "her" subsequent sentence. I struggled to get rid of it. I remember vacuuming and saying "Get out! Get out of my head! I do not want this contamination in my head!" I also prayed for cleansing of my mind. Eventually it came. I'd forgotten about that time, until now...
At other times I've needed to explore and find out just how good and remarkable my life was/is. Time to really celebrate! Other times I had/have to come face to face with just how bad and awful my "circumstance" really was/is... and find options, and explore, search and pray for more until some strategy and path beyond "the present" became/becomes clear and possible for me, considering all the ramifications I can think of - for myself and all the people involved...
So I go happily on day by day on this
great adventure that is my life - with increasing faith, understanding, gratitude and amazement in my every footstep. J
Who/What do you listen to? Why? And, Why not?
Mom / Judy / Gran Judy etc
From my Muslim group member years ago...
From my Muslim group member years ago...
Just Because…
Just because no one has been fortunate enough
to realize
what a gold mine you are -
Doesn't mean you're any less valuable.
Just because few have been smart enough
to figure out that you can't be topped -
Doesn't stop you from being the best.
Just because no one has
made this race worthwhile - so far,
Doesn't give you permission to stop running.
Just because few have come to
help take your loneliness away -
Doesn't mean you have to settle
for a lower quality of relationship.
Just because you deserve the very best there is -
Doesn't mean that life is always fair.
Just because your situation
doesn't seem to be progressing right now -
Doesn't mean you need to change a thing.
Keep shining,
Keep running,
Keep hoping,
Keep praying,
Keep being exactly what you are already…
Conceive it, Believe it, Achieve it.
From: Al Qalam
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Ooooh... Mental Health too...
Mental health is so important too -
I've worked long and hard in finding out and nurturing my mental health too.
I'm profoundly grateful for my journey and the men and women I have met along the way.
This TED material and talk triggered my remembering...
I've learnt so much from TED talks!
Thank you TED.
I've worked long and hard in finding out and nurturing my mental health too.
I'm profoundly grateful for my journey and the men and women I have met along the way.
This TED material and talk triggered my remembering...
I've learnt so much from TED talks!
Thank you TED.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Wednesday afternoon – 8th April 2020
and Angela’s 26th Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary!
Some of My Thoughts on Healing…
I savored
the General Conference this past weekend.
I feel spiritually pointed in the right direction again, refreshed. I made my notes in one of my notebooks whilst
thoughtfully listening to the prayers, talks and music. I love our church music. My notes will help me remember what made an
impression on me. I’m grateful for the
technology available to me – and what I know about it!
And now
about “worldly/physical” healing that has struck me anew:
night (almost,) since I came across the Addiction Recovery Program material in 2006,
I have taken the time to read a paragraph or two before I go to bed. When I finish one reading through, I start
again. At times I have attended Addiction Recovery meetings. - type in Addiction Recovery in the search box. - type in Addiction Recovery in the search box.
along my life-journey I became aware that I am one of the ones who is at high
risk of developing an addiction, or multiple addictions. These are the typical characteristics to look
out for. The more of these one relates to,
the riskier it is that one might accidentally or intentionally slip, slide, be
curious, want to please, or fall headlong into some addiction or another:
· Related
to others who have developed addiction
· Experiencing
other mental health disorders
· Adventurous
and risk-taking
· Disconnected
and cautious
· Obsessive
and compulsive
· Apathetic
· Unable
to self-regulate
For the record: One can become
addicted to substances, behaviours, thinking patterns, ways or responding, moods,
and people that harm/sabotage oneself, others, relationships, society, animals
or property. Maybe more could be added to this list? Anyway, as I understand it these days, the
characteristics of addiction are - one loses perspective and a sense of
priorities. One experiences powerful
physical, psychological and emotional cravings.
One habitually serves wrong/irrational/ illegal impulses and/or compulsions.
One slides to where one simply can no
longer realise consequences, think straight and/or make one’s own choices –
either short-term or long term.
course there are degrees along the continuum's here… I'm still learning...
night I was reading in the second step material in the section about Hope. As I pondered the principle and re-read my
answers from before, and what I have added in the 14 years in between, I became
acutely aware of degrees of healing that have taken place in me through the
years. Little bits of almost daily “thinking
on these things” have brought me greater personal peace, power and contentment. Most days I am happy for most of the
day. When I’m not, I know better how to
give myself a break, and go and find my balance and sane thinking. I loved the “delicious” ideas that came into
my head when I heard “When you have lost your temper, go away and find it.”
Another leap in my physical healing journey was coming across the book "Fit for Life." I experienced after following the principles that instead of regularly sleeping 4 to 5 hours a night I was peacefully sleeping 7 and 8 hours a night. My physical health improved dramatically. I later came across South Africa's "Natural Way" authored by Mary-Ann Shearer. I was able to attend a symposium in which she presented. I now follow the Natural Way most of the time. I am stably healthy.
Another leap in my physical healing journey was coming across the book "Fit for Life." I experienced after following the principles that instead of regularly sleeping 4 to 5 hours a night I was peacefully sleeping 7 and 8 hours a night. My physical health improved dramatically. I later came across South Africa's "Natural Way" authored by Mary-Ann Shearer. I was able to attend a symposium in which she presented. I now follow the Natural Way most of the time. I am stably healthy.
I’m also
grateful for putting certain righteous routines into my life. I think living “in the world,” as we do, needs
us to take advantage of, and use, the best resources developed by the world to
deal with the problems that arise for us in the world, and I think our physical
bodies are part of that. I came to the
conclusion some time in my mid adulthood that I was “so concentrated on heavenly
things and was not of much earthly use.”
Not to myself, and not to most others either. (By the way, I think our finances are also
part of “this world.” So are our
properties I think, the places and spaces we live in. Now that I think about it, so is the “work”
we do, and the technology and media we use, as well as the furnishings,
vehicles, clothes and makeup we think are so important.) How much is sufficient for our needs? How much betrays and distracts us from more
important things – for now, for here – wherever we are right now?
I belonged
for many years to a WeightWatchers group (no more in SA.) When WeightWatchers left the country I
thought I could/would just “do it on my own.”
That lasted two months, and I knew I was rationalizing again, bluffing
myself. I joined WeighLess, a South
African version of WeightWatchers. I go
every week. I think WeighLess is a
better programme than WeightWatchers, though I don’t much care for the name. I also
belong to a Tai Chi group. I do at least
one Tai Chi routine a week. It’s a relief to just surrender myself to being in
the group and being accountable every week – and learning more too. I’m grateful for the two group leaders and
I am
very grateful for these, and my other righteous routines and holy habits I have
put in place in my daily life. With our covid 19 lock-down now, the two group leaders are most diligent in checking in with
those of us who belong to the two groups.
healing have you experienced in your life to this point?
Who, or
what, might help you along your way?
good food for thought I think…
I love
Mom /
Judy / Gran Judy
I love these Morning Glory flowers… but I do not want them in my garden! They are a nuisance, they run rampant. They are too much work for me. So I take them out, wherever I find them. I saw these stragglers this morning. I went out and plucked them, enjoyed their beauty, photographed them and put them in the compost. Near the Botanic Garden there is a piece of fence ablaze with Morning Glories! I enjoy them as I drive past.
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