Sunday, April 12, 2020

Who/What Do I Listen to?

Sunday Afternoon – April 12th 2020 – 
Easter Sunday… A time to remember New Beginnings…

Actually for me every day is a New Beginning.
I wake up and think, and sometimes say “I get to live another day!”

This week our lock-down time was extended to the end of April.
I’m just fine with that…
I’m enjoying the less stress of this time.
I’m grateful I have a home to live in, a safe home.
I’m grateful for the food I’ve accumulated over the months we’ve been home.

This week I worked on sorting out our 72 hour kits.
They are up-to-date now and ready should we need to use them.
There are a couple of items I’ll add when the lock-down is over,
but the essentials are all there.

This week I came across four holocaust stories.
This was the first one –  I was impressed by the girl's lovely face... and also by the title.

“All my Mothers.” 

And then I watched three more.
“Whose Child are You?”

“They Gave me Life”

“That’s What I Hope”

They made me really sit down and think about many things…
How fortunate I am...  And what adversity they survived - at such a young age...

And now - the question ( from 2020 Focus) I put together a long time ago for this week:
“Who/What Do I Listen to?”

Actually I have discovered that I listen to everyone – I’m constantly looking for what is good, true and useful to me.  I don’t keep on listening if it doesn’t feel good to me, for me. I might have to still be ‘there’ but I’m not ‘present.’  Sometimes I speak up – if I think it important, or that it might do some good for someone involved in the conversation…  Otherwise I can keep silent.  I remember one instance when I was silent.  When I think back, perhaps it might have been useful to speak – I’m still not quite sure.

Sometimes it’s just not time to listen… so I don’t. 

I’ve learnt from many people along the way.

Paul in the Bible said “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thes 5:21
That was a relief to me.  I explore all sorts of things when they come across my path.  Sometimes I go searching.  All my learning has helped me understand myself as well as more and more people – for which I am very grateful.

One of my favourite pieces of very useful stuff came from a Muslim woman in a group I was co-training at LifeLine.  I will add it to the end of this piece.

I love the radio:  SAFM, Radio Pulpit, Radio Sonder Grense, and TED Talks, and other talks on my phone.  I’m so glad to live in this day and age when knowledge is poured out.  I sift and save.

One holiday I was reading such an interesting book I had taken with me to read.  I remember saying to Heavenly Father “I’m so sorry I’m not reading my scriptures right now, this early morning – this is so interesting!  I’m learning so much…”  I ‘heard’ Him answer me “I told you to astudy and blearn, and become acquainted with all good books, and with clanguages, tongues, and people.” D&C 90:5

Another time I was troubled by a question I had from some training I received.  This came to my mind…  …you must astudy it out in your bmind; then you must cask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your dbosom shall eburn within you; therefore, you shall ffeel that it is right.
But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a astupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong;” D&C 9:8

And this reminded me of the night I pleaded for clarity...
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, if you desire a further witness, cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might aknow concerning the truth of these things.
Did I not speak apeace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater bwitness can you have than from God?”  D&C 6:22,23

I answered the phone once and before I knew it filth was spewed into my head by an electronic voice.  I put down the phone amid "her" subsequent sentence.  I struggled to get rid of it.  I remember vacuuming and saying "Get out!  Get out of my head!  I do not want this contamination in my head!"  I also prayed for cleansing of my mind.  Eventually it came.  I'd forgotten about that time, until now... 

At other times I've needed to explore and find out just how good and remarkable my life was/is.  Time to really celebrate!  Other times I had/have to come face to face with just how bad and awful my "circumstance" really was/is... and find options, and explore, search and pray for more until some strategy and path beyond "the present" became/becomes clear and possible for me, considering all the ramifications I can think of - for myself and all the people involved...  

So I go happily on day by day on this great adventure that is my life - with increasing faith, understanding, gratitude and amazement in my every footstep.  J

Who/What do you listen to?  Why?  And, Why not?


Mom / Judy / Gran Judy etc

From my Muslim group member years ago...

Just Because…
Just because no one has been fortunate enough
 to realize what a gold mine you are -
Doesn't mean you're any less valuable.
Just because few have been smart enough
to figure out that you can't be topped -
Doesn't stop you from being the best.
Just because no one has
made this race worthwhile - so far,
Doesn't give you permission to stop running.
Just because few have come to
help take your loneliness away -
Doesn't mean you have to settle
for a lower quality of relationship.
Just because you deserve the very best there is -
Doesn't mean that life is always fair.
Just because your situation
doesn't seem to be progressing right now -
Doesn't mean you need to change a thing.
Keep shining,
Keep running,
Keep hoping,
Keep praying,
Keep being exactly what you are already…
Conceive it, Believe it, Achieve it.
From: Al Qalam

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