Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Wednesday afternoon – 8th April 2020 –
Patrick and Angela’s 26th Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary!

Some of My Thoughts on Healing…

I savored the General Conference this past weekend.  I feel spiritually pointed in the right direction again, refreshed.  I made my notes in one of my notebooks whilst thoughtfully listening to the prayers, talks and music.  I love our church music.  My notes will help me remember what made an impression on me.  I’m grateful for the technology available to me – and what I know about it!

And now about “worldly/physical” healing that has struck me anew:

Each night (almost,) since I came across the Addiction Recovery Program material in 2006, I have taken the time to read a paragraph or two before I go to bed.  When I finish one reading through, I start again.  At times I have attended Addiction Recovery meetings. - type in Addiction Recovery in the search box.

Sometime along my life-journey I became aware that I am one of the ones who is at high risk of developing an addiction, or multiple addictions.  These are the typical characteristics to look out for.  The more of these one relates to, the riskier it is that one might accidentally or intentionally slip, slide, be curious, want to please, or fall headlong into some addiction or another:

·       Related to others who have developed addiction
·       Experiencing other mental health disorders
·       Adventurous and risk-taking
·       Disconnected and cautious
·       Obsessive and compulsive
·       Apathetic
·       Unable to self-regulate

For the record:  One can become addicted to substances, behaviours, thinking patterns, ways or responding, moods, and people that harm/sabotage oneself, others, relationships, society, animals or property.   Maybe more could be added to this list?  Anyway, as I understand it these days, the characteristics of addiction are - one loses perspective and a sense of priorities.  One experiences powerful physical, psychological and emotional cravings.  One habitually serves wrong/irrational/ illegal impulses and/or compulsions.  One slides to where one simply can no longer realise consequences, think straight and/or make one’s own choices – either short-term or long term.  
Of course there are degrees along the continuum's here…  I'm still learning...

Last night I was reading in the second step material in the section about Hope.  As I pondered the principle and re-read my answers from before, and what I have added in the 14 years in between, I became acutely aware of degrees of healing that have taken place in me through the years.  Little bits of almost daily “thinking on these things” have brought me greater personal peace, power and contentment.  Most days I am happy for most of the day.  When I’m not, I know better how to give myself a break, and go and find my balance and sane thinking.  I loved the “delicious” ideas that came into my head when I heard “When you have lost your temper, go away and find it.”

Another leap in my physical healing journey was coming across the book "Fit for Life."  I experienced after following the principles that instead of regularly sleeping 4 to 5 hours a night I was peacefully sleeping 7 and 8 hours a night.  My physical health improved dramatically.  I later came across South Africa's "Natural Way" authored by Mary-Ann Shearer.  I was able to attend a symposium in which she presented.  I now follow the Natural Way most of the time.  I am stably healthy.

I’m also grateful for putting certain righteous routines into my life.  I think living “in the world,” as we do, needs us to take advantage of, and use, the best resources developed by the world to deal with the problems that arise for us in the world, and I think our physical bodies are part of that.  I came to the conclusion some time in my mid adulthood that I was “so concentrated on heavenly things and was not of much earthly use.”  Not to myself, and not to most others either.    (By the way, I think our finances are also part of “this world.”  So are our properties I think, the places and spaces we live in.  Now that I think about it, so is the “work” we do, and the technology and media we use, as well as the furnishings, vehicles, clothes and makeup we think are so important.)  How much is sufficient for our needs?  How much betrays and distracts us from more important things – for now, for here – wherever we are right now?  

I belonged for many years to a WeightWatchers group (no more in SA.)  When WeightWatchers left the country I thought I could/would just “do it on my own.”  That lasted two months, and I knew I was rationalizing again, bluffing myself.  I joined WeighLess, a South African version of WeightWatchers.  I go every week.  I think WeighLess is a better programme than WeightWatchers, though I don’t much care for the name.   I also belong to a Tai Chi group.  I do at least one Tai Chi routine a week. It’s a relief to just surrender myself to being in the group and being accountable every week – and learning more too.  I’m grateful for the two group leaders and members.

I am very grateful for these, and my other righteous routines and holy habits I have put in place in my daily life.  With our  covid 19 lock-down now, the two group leaders are most diligent in checking in with those of us who belong to the two groups.  

What healing have you experienced in your life to this point?
Who, or what, might help you along your way?
Some good food for thought I think…

I love you!

Mom / Judy / Gran Judy

I love these Morning Glory flowers… but I do not want them in my garden!  They are a nuisance, they run rampant.  They are too much work for me.  So I take them out, wherever I find them. I saw these stragglers this morning.  I went out and plucked them, enjoyed their beauty, photographed them and put them in the compost. Near the Botanic Garden there is a piece of fence ablaze with Morning Glories!    I enjoy them as I drive past.

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