Monday, June 15, 2020

What/Who Do I Want More Of?

Sunday Afternoon – June 14th 2020

It’s been a WEEK!
COLD! And full of unexpected as well as usual experiences.
I’m grateful for the quiet of this afternoon –
And the sun in our spare room!

Angela’s birthday on Friday.  Jarom’s 20th birthday tomorrow.
I’m glad to have these two people in my life.
And a whole lot of other family and friend’s birthdays too!
I’m glad to have you and them all in my life.

Vincent draws to the end of his mission, Ethan approaches the start of his.
I’m very aware again that we have no idea what any day actually holds for us.
Life can change in an instant!  Suddenly!

A drunk truck-driver was driving down a highway this week and ploughed into two busses and a mini-bus taxi. Eight people lost their lives…
And so quickly many lives are affected – drastically.

I’m grateful for Tender Mercies.
I’m grateful for each day spent in relationship with those I love and care about.

I think my life is about balancing and re-balancing regularly.
Who or what do I have too much of?  Or too little of?
Is what I want good for me or not?
Is there anything I can do about it?
Who might be able to help me?
Who might I be able to help?

And so we all go on, one day at a time, one week at a time…

This is what I really want more of:

More holiness give me,
More strivings within,
   More patience in suff’ring,
   More sorrow for sin,
   More faith in my Savior,
   More sense of his care,
   More joy in his service,
   More purpose in prayer.

More gratitude give me,
More trust in the Lord,
   More pride in his glory,
   More hope in his word,
   More tears for his sorrows,
   More pain at his grief,
   More meekness in trial,
   More praise for relief.

More purity give me,
More strength to o’ercome,
   More freedom from earth-stains,
   More longing for home.
   More fit for the kingdom,
   More used would I be,
   More blessed and holy—
   More, Savior, like thee.

   This is where my mind has been focussed.

I’ve been pondering Personality Disordered Individuals (PDI)
I’m wondering if one of my clients is such a person, or if one or several around her are.
I’m wondering if it is “my business” and how to responsibly manage myself in her presence.
I don’t often deal with deeply personality-disturbed people.
I hauled out my book about Personality Disorders to have a thoughtful read again.
It was published in 2007.  I read it in 2008.
It was hugely helpful to me when I came across his perspective.
I don’t entirely agree with what he proposes…
And I can also see why he proposes what he proposes…
I need to research this topic some more.

People are so interesting!  So individual!  So complex! 
We’re all so in need of intelligent compassion and consideration.
What can I do?  What ought I not to do?
So – that’s what I need more of at the moment.

I’ve wanted more chocolate this week!
And that’s not always good for me!  I continue learning about myself…

And so, on I go… balancing and re-balancing who/what I want more of,
And discerning who/what is good for me or not…

How do you handle these questions in your life?

I love you!
Thank you for being among those I call mine.

Mom/Judy/Gran Judy

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