Sunday, November 1, 2020

Who Receives Me With Open Arms?


Another good question…

 I sometimes feel received with open arms....
I think my Dad was able to receive me with open arms?  It felt like it to me.
I know some of my friends are able to… At least it feels like it to me.
I know I’m a Daughter of God.
I feel received by my Heavenly Father.
I think most I know receive me with reservations?
I know I receive most with reservations…
Perhaps how I think others feel about me is a reflection of the way I receive others?
Perhaps others sense my reservations and respond to me in like manner.
We are complex beings!
I’m grateful for all I’ve learnt about myself and others, and all I continue to learn each day.
Is this receiving with open arms good for me/us? 
I hope this is good for us… I know it is good for me.
I guess each must choose to receive and give as they are able to.
Do I give myself this being received with open arms whenever I can?
I become aware when I “need” a dose of this or that person – listed above or not.
And yes, when it is at all possible I give myself contact with them.
Sometimes they may not know I am absorbing strength or courage from theirs.
I’m basking in their presence, their light, their wisdom, their joy, their peace and peacefulness.
I’m gratefully letting their light, capacity, composure, grace, infuse into me.
If that exposure isn’t enough I’ll find out sooner or later what my next questing step is.
Mostly I draw on settledness from my Heavenly Father.
Every day.
Without fail.
Sometimes I go to nature to be reset.
I love walking in the Botanic Gardens.
I love pottering around in my garden.
Who receives you with open arms?  Is this good for you and them?

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