Sunday, December 27, 2020

What am I Realising, Understanding this Christmas?


To me, Christmas is Jesus' birthday.

So... what gift can I give Him?
I like this Advent of Kindness.
And there are many similar invitations to civility, real aid and respect.

I know Christmas means different things to different people...

How can I be respectful of them, and how can I celebrate in my own meaningful way?

I can be kind to all I come in contact with - as my gift to Jesus Christ on the celebration of His birth.

And I can co-exist with others around me.  I can be interested in their celebrations. I am interested.  I have learnt from experience that I can learn much that is useful to me from everyone I come in contact with.  

What might I be forgetting?

The time might come when I need to decide to separate from some others who might be intent on choosing ways I do not want  to be a part of.  Or they might choose to separate from me and mine.

There's always choosing - every day...

Until then, I can retain my own integrity and allow others to be who they choose to be.

What are you realising and understanding this Christmas?  
What might you be forgetting?

Sunday, December 20, 2020

What Are My Personal Gifts and Talents?

Yes, I am...

I know what some of my gifts and talents are...

I know I am a Daughter of God.

I am a woman of faith and commitment, wisdom and courage.

I know I love my husband and children, my grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

I know I love my friends.

I know I love my clients.

I like to do what I like to do.

I love colour, texture, shapes, composition, beauty, function, simplicity, complexity, good food, Tai Chi, the Botanic Garden or nearby place of safety and solitude.  When we were in KZN it was the beach.

I know I like being happy, civil, co-operative, comfortable, attractive, my-own-fashionable, pleasant enough, interested and interesting.

I know I love learning, listening to and watching many people, considering many opinions, drawing my own conclusions, making my own choices.

I know I like to live in pleasant and beautiful enough (to me) circumstances.  
I know I do not like being cold.

I guess others can more easily identify my gifts and talents, or what they see and consider my gifts and talents.

In what way can I truly share them?

Well, I don't think I go out of my way to share them... I live my life as best I know how and hope that something might be useful to someone else.  Sometimes people approach me, and then I'm usually happy to share - if I think it will be good for them, and for me...

I keep a blog and a journal.  In that way someone can access "me" if they want to.

What are your personal gifts and talents?  In what ways can you truly share them?

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Who or What Helps Me Discern Between "Good" and "Bad"?

This is so true for me...

It's always been very useful to me to think "Where will this lead...?"  "Will it likely take me to where I want to go in my one precious life?"  These thoughts... these words... these conversations... these actions...  these relationships...  What I am reading, or watching, or listening to...

For me it's also important to read what wise men and women through the ages have said is "good" and "bad," and why.

And what wise men of today have to say.

I've looked briefly into criminology... that was very helpful.

I've talked with many people over many years.  I listen, and decided for myself.

I pray also to know "good" and "bad."
What is good at one time can be bad at another.  And the other way around...

How can I be better at figuring out "good" and "bad?"
Live in "day-tight" compartments... and just do the best I know how any given day...

Long ago I came across this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson.  A copy of it has been in my bedroom for may years.  I work at keeping with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude...

Who or what helps you discern between Good and Bad? 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Who or What is My Opposition?


And... how can I go around, under, over or through this opposition?

I don't experience much opposition any more... I guess I've learnt lots of lessons.

I suppose the greatest challenges I have now are related to my physical well-being.  

My back-ache is easier.  I continue to ponder what the answers might be and who might be able to help me.

I'm aware that I seem to be more forgetful?  I write more things down... post-it notes are very useful!  I love the neon coloured ones!

I count myself fortunate...  My days are blessed.  My nights are peaceful - most of the time.  The more careful I am with my diet and exercize, the more peacefully I and my body live with each other.  

What is your opposition?  How can you go around, over, under or through this opposition?