Saturday, April 18, 2015

Glenn and Judy Bray Day

 I started out at the crack of dawn visiting the Temple.
I sat next to Catherine Atkins Bibb.
(She is the age of my children -
We haven't been in the same Ward for many years.)
She leaned over and said "It's your birthday today isn't it?"
I said "Yes."
She wished me warm birthday greetings.
After the session I asked her "How did you know it is my birthday?"
"Oh, you are one of the special people in my life.
Your name is on my birthday calendar.
I noted your birthday, and now I got to sit next to you!"
She gave me a hug.
My heart was warmed...
My favourite avenue in Parktown.
I love it in all seasons.
I'm glad it is on my route.

Autumn deepens all around us.
I enjoy the lovely changing leaf colours. 

When I got home Vi, Glenn and I headed for Thyme at Little Falls.
We had an excellent breakfast. 
We like Thyme - it is in the valley near the Botanic Garden
and Little Falls.

Unusual cloud formations yesterday ...
The weather is changing.
I put on our electric blanket when I changed the sheets.
Today (Saturday) I put the heater on low.
Vi says "Your house is always warm!"
I said "I put the heater on when it is chilly..."

I enjoy the "We have a generator" signs all around.
I'll collate them and make a post sometime.
Some of them are quite ingenious...

We had load-shedding from 2pm 'till after eight yesterday.
I think it was supposed to be until 6:30,
but we had two or three 30 second splutters between 6:30 and 8pm.
We had a good celebration supper by candle-light:
(Lots of the meal cooked on the gas cooker top -
fortunately I made the brownies in the morning. 
I was just applying the fudge topping when the electricity went off.)
We had delicious potato, cucumber, onion and tomato salads, peas, carrots,
crumbed chicken strips (heated on the gas braai).
Apple juice, Mango juice and iced water to drink.
Brownies and Melk Tert with custard for dessert.
Wish you had been able to be here too!
Around the table from left to right:
Vi, Daena, Cabryn, Ethan, Nadia, Doug, Jarom, Cindy, Dom, Glenn.
We have been married 45 years,
Glenn is 66,
I am 70.
All on the 17th April!

We marked the occasion!
Thanks for your good wishes!

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