Sunday, June 28, 2015


From Winter at home to Summer in the UK - first stop Dianne - I'm acclimatising...

My rehabilitation of my wrist continues...

Summer in the UK so far does not feel like summer to me yet. The end of this next week the temperatures are forecast to be in the early 30C's so perhaps by then I will feel like it is warm.

I'm glad I brought my jacket, a polo neck sweater and a long-sleeved T shirt.  I brought five short sleeved T shirts, and  a selection of scarves.  I have felt glad for them.  Today I felt warm enough at Church to take off my jacket and my long-sleeved T shirt.

Aren't these flowers beautiful?  They were where we parked the car on the way to the Summer Fair.

Yesterday Hilmar, Phillips, Glenn and I went to Phillipa's school Summer Fair.  That felt hot!  I wondered whether we would get sun burnt in the heat of the day.  Evidently not since none of us is red today.

We enjoyed ourselves and Phillipa had great fun - expecially on the pirate ship jumping castle and the sweeper.  She jumped almost to the end of the elimination sweeps, survived by just one boy.  Well done Phillipa!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Six Weeks Down - And I'm On My Way

During the week I reached a stage of irritation with the splint discomfort so I took the splint out and bandage off for some relief, some air.  I sat in the sunporch and allowed the warmth to seep into my wrist.  The irritation subsided and comfortableness increased.

I decided since we were home for the evening I'd just fairly firmly bandage it and be careful.  That was so good.  I decided to sleep with it like that.  That was also so good.  Wednesday I just carried on.  I looked on the internet for rehabilitation exercises, saw the consensus and have started gentle exercising.

This time last week I would never have imagined I would have the strength I have or the movement I have already!  I am absolutely grateful to all the powers involved from this and the other side of the veil.  I am very grateful for those ones here and there who put information on the internet for such as me to be able to see.  They truly bless my life every week.

Yesterday I went to the Temple and then to the hairdresser.  By the time I got home the tickets were booked and we are on our way soon.  We now flurry to tie up loose ends here!  The packing is the easy part!

I want to tell you about my three best inanimate helpers of the last six weeks:  Three satiny scarves.  I hardly ever use them normally, but have used them daily the last six weeks. Their colours are bright pink, bright yellow and soft grey.  They gladden my heart!  I keep one in the bathroom, one near where I dress and one in my Temple bag.  I put one over my half cast/wrist brace/bandaged wrist, pull sleeves off or on with care and have felt little discomfort.  The sleeves simply slip over them, and then I pull the scarves off my arm and they slip easily over any device I have on.  What a blessing.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Five weeks Down and One to Go... I Doubt It

This has been a cold week and my arm has ached.  Quieter today.
I doubt that there is one week to go...  Time will tell.  Probably this will be an on-going process.

I am feeling braver about travelling. If all is well with the placement of the bones, then I can expect the journey to healing to proceed routinely.  Then, and perhaps during, there is rehabilitation to take place.  Our wrists move wonderfully in different directions.   I look forward to being able to do more with it as the weeks go by.

On Tuesday Glenn and I visited the Botanic Garden.  Lovely to visit there whenever I can.

On Friday Sarah and I visited the Johannesburg Art Gallery in Joubert Park.  Lovely to see many familiar artworks that I have visited periodically for the past sixty years as well as see new ones too.

Happy Birthday to Angela for Friday!  We thought of you!  We will celebrate with you when we get there.

In the evening we enjoyed being with our Dessert Club for supper.

I washed my own hair yesterday.  Sarah, who has been helping me t ese past five weeks, leaves for her mission tomorrow.  Next week I will go to the hairdresser and have my hair trimmed, so that wash and style will be taken care of.  I hope to have one of my daughters or granddaughters help me the week after.  One week at a time!

Yesterday Cecilia and I took a journey to Dukes Court to clean finally.  As I drove out of the driveway I wondered how I would do it - the journey, and the cleaning.  Since my car is automatic I managed fine enough.  I realize I am finding ways to manage with my teeth or my elbow or my legs or feet substituting for my right hand/arm.  Driving yesterday I noticed myself using my left thigh to hold the wheel steady while I altered the position of my left hand on the steering wheel.  Important always to think ahead and take quieter roads.

Douglas has not been well these last couple of days...  Yet he presses on as well as he can.

We attended Joyce Levy's 85th birthday celebration yesterday afternoon.  Lovely to be there with her and family and friends.

Last night Glenn and I watched The Tales of Narnia:  The Voyage of The Dawn Treader.  Exciting!  Gillian introduced me to CS Lewis' Tales of Narnia.  If you haven't discovered them yet... do get one of the books and enjoy the rich symbolism and lovely use of our language.

Jackson and Dorah Mkhabela leave soon to be Mission Presidency couple in Zimbabwe mission.  I shall miss both of them.  This morning they and their daughter who is going with them, and Sarah spoke in our sacrament meeting.  Tender moments during their talks and during the hymns.

This afternoon I mixed the chocolate chip cookie dough and Glenn formed it into balls and baked it.  Good for us!  We will enjoy them!

Good week to you all!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Four Weeks Down and Two to Go - I hope

My skin on my arm and hand is peeling and peeling!  I guess in the normal course of events the sloughing skin rubs off without us even noticing it.

This week I looked on-line to see how long the healing process actually is - in my inner recesses I hoped for five to six weeks.  I discover that it is likely 6 to 8 weeks and maybe 6 to 12 weeks.  Sigh.

I am grateful for the weeks that have gone by and what I have learnt about myself and others.  I notice not many people look at my forehead.  Not many people notice that only one eyebrow can lift.  I have learnt I am more patient than I thought I could be.  I am surprised that I can sleep as much as I am sleeping these weeks - 8 to 9 hours a night.

I am grateful for Glenn's help.  I can't put my hair in a scrunchie which I do when I bath and when I go to bed.  I can't cut food that needs cutting.  This morning I ordered egg and bacon for our breakfast at the Botanical Garden and then realised - again "Ohhh... I forgot! I can't cut the bacon or the toast." Glenn quietly helps me over and over with what I need help with.

Nadia's birthday last Saturday.  Daena turned 12 a week ago.  We all (except Glenn and Cabryn) went to the Temple last Saturday and we were all in the baptistry.  I wondered whether I would be able to dress in white.   I though I might be wandering around the garden. I was glad to find I could slip my arm through one of the Temple styles - it doesn't fit through the cuff of my own dress.   I was very glad to be there.

Bathing, going to the toilet and dressing and undressing is a great mission in my life.  Easier with four weeks' practice... and with less aching in my arm, ribs/collarbone and leg.  You try it with one hand and see how you manage!  I hope you never have to do it for real.

Les was visiting last week.  I have been aching to go to the Botanical Garden.  I thought last Tuesday was the day!  It was COLD and blowy so I reluctantly conceded that it was not a good idea to go that day.  Les and I went on Saturday.  It was lovely to be there and with him.  Dom and Cindy joined us and I left them to enjoy time together and drove home along the back roads.  I'm grateful again to have an automatic car.

The details of the sale of the Dukes Court flat continues.  So many DETAILS!  And times five as we all have to work together to finalise it.  I hope we are in the home-stretch now.  Glenn and Douglas went there during the week to do the electrical clearace certificate.  On Saturday I will take Cecilia there and we will finally tidy and clean and have the flat ready for occupation.  I am glad for the opportunity to say final "good-byes."

Today is warmer... we have had low temperatures of around 1 and 13 for several days.  And on into the next week of healing and living!

By the way:  the Patio Project is in "pause" mode... perhaps it will move forward again.

Be well!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Three Weeks Down... Three To Go!

Half way to more normal function!

My wrist has not ached the last three days - hooray!
My left leg still is sensitive and dented.  I hope the hollow fills up!
I have more strength and dexterity in my right thumb, index and middle fingers.
I see why a pincers prosthesis is useful to someone who has lost a hand.
My ribs/collar/bone/sternum pain is all but gone.
My two forehead scars are getting less tender.
My head/scalp, which was about a third numb, has more and more sensation.

I can now cut more salad, fruit and veg with some adaptation.
I can make the bed now, still can't put on pillowcases yet.

Making progress!
I shall definitely be using bannisters in future -
germs on the one hand... or safety on the other? 
I will deal with the germs - I will be thinking of you Dianne!

I am looking forward to visiting the UK soon!
I imagine in two or three weeks.

Mostly I want to be able to be comfortable in flight and travelling,
and be able to share a bed with Glenn without feeling crowded
and not groaning in my sleep.  I was happy to sleep on my side
for a bit last night.

On Saturday I just wanted to be OUT!
We went to Kloofendal Nature Reserve and walked.
Along the way I wondered if I would make it!  I have lost fitness!
It was lovely to be there!

My daily reminder the last few days has read:

"Take a walk in the woods or calendar when you will..."

This was my walk in the woods.

We took this path... clambering over rocks is not for me now.
We returned to the other way.

We found this little dam.
So peaceful!

I was sorry about the pylons, but I'm glad for electricity!

We watched these ducks swim across the dam.

I thought "Your being here sends ripples for a long time..."
Our being here and what we do also sends ripples for a long time too.

After resting a while we walked to the bird hide.

See the ripples still there?

Lovely winter plants.

Winter is our fire time too.
Fires across the valley towards the West.

This is time to watch every step!

Interesting how the leaves on the bush are full and flat,
and when they fall off they are like tubes on the ground.

I loved this splash of bright green.

I loved my Autumn crunching walk on the carpet of crisp leaves.

Our succulents are so lovely at this time of the year.

I left feeling very tired.  I was very glad to sit down in the car.
My soul was refreshed and restored.
I'm glad we did it!