Sunday, June 28, 2015


From Winter at home to Summer in the UK - first stop Dianne - I'm acclimatising...

My rehabilitation of my wrist continues...

Summer in the UK so far does not feel like summer to me yet. The end of this next week the temperatures are forecast to be in the early 30C's so perhaps by then I will feel like it is warm.

I'm glad I brought my jacket, a polo neck sweater and a long-sleeved T shirt.  I brought five short sleeved T shirts, and  a selection of scarves.  I have felt glad for them.  Today I felt warm enough at Church to take off my jacket and my long-sleeved T shirt.

Aren't these flowers beautiful?  They were where we parked the car on the way to the Summer Fair.

Yesterday Hilmar, Phillips, Glenn and I went to Phillipa's school Summer Fair.  That felt hot!  I wondered whether we would get sun burnt in the heat of the day.  Evidently not since none of us is red today.

We enjoyed ourselves and Phillipa had great fun - expecially on the pirate ship jumping castle and the sweeper.  She jumped almost to the end of the elimination sweeps, survived by just one boy.  Well done Phillipa!

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