Sunday, June 14, 2015

Five weeks Down and One to Go... I Doubt It

This has been a cold week and my arm has ached.  Quieter today.
I doubt that there is one week to go...  Time will tell.  Probably this will be an on-going process.

I am feeling braver about travelling. If all is well with the placement of the bones, then I can expect the journey to healing to proceed routinely.  Then, and perhaps during, there is rehabilitation to take place.  Our wrists move wonderfully in different directions.   I look forward to being able to do more with it as the weeks go by.

On Tuesday Glenn and I visited the Botanic Garden.  Lovely to visit there whenever I can.

On Friday Sarah and I visited the Johannesburg Art Gallery in Joubert Park.  Lovely to see many familiar artworks that I have visited periodically for the past sixty years as well as see new ones too.

Happy Birthday to Angela for Friday!  We thought of you!  We will celebrate with you when we get there.

In the evening we enjoyed being with our Dessert Club for supper.

I washed my own hair yesterday.  Sarah, who has been helping me t ese past five weeks, leaves for her mission tomorrow.  Next week I will go to the hairdresser and have my hair trimmed, so that wash and style will be taken care of.  I hope to have one of my daughters or granddaughters help me the week after.  One week at a time!

Yesterday Cecilia and I took a journey to Dukes Court to clean finally.  As I drove out of the driveway I wondered how I would do it - the journey, and the cleaning.  Since my car is automatic I managed fine enough.  I realize I am finding ways to manage with my teeth or my elbow or my legs or feet substituting for my right hand/arm.  Driving yesterday I noticed myself using my left thigh to hold the wheel steady while I altered the position of my left hand on the steering wheel.  Important always to think ahead and take quieter roads.

Douglas has not been well these last couple of days...  Yet he presses on as well as he can.

We attended Joyce Levy's 85th birthday celebration yesterday afternoon.  Lovely to be there with her and family and friends.

Last night Glenn and I watched The Tales of Narnia:  The Voyage of The Dawn Treader.  Exciting!  Gillian introduced me to CS Lewis' Tales of Narnia.  If you haven't discovered them yet... do get one of the books and enjoy the rich symbolism and lovely use of our language.

Jackson and Dorah Mkhabela leave soon to be Mission Presidency couple in Zimbabwe mission.  I shall miss both of them.  This morning they and their daughter who is going with them, and Sarah spoke in our sacrament meeting.  Tender moments during their talks and during the hymns.

This afternoon I mixed the chocolate chip cookie dough and Glenn formed it into balls and baked it.  Good for us!  We will enjoy them!

Good week to you all!

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