Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sunday Afternoon - 26th May 2019 - "What's Missing?"

Every now and again I ask myself "What's Missing...?
What's missing in my life? What's too much?  What's too little?

Sometimes the answer comes immediately.
Sometimes I need to ask the questions more than a few times
for the answer to rise to my consciousness.

Then it's "What 'seeds' do I need to plant and nurture in my life?"
Or "Who do I need to spend some time with?"
Or... "Who or what do I need to spend less time with?"
Or "What do I need to stop doing?"
"What do I need to get serious about?"
"What do I need to lighten-up about?"

This week it was - "Oh!  I've not had to think about this before!"

We had five lovely visitors last weekend for Durban Temple related work -
Two from USA, one each from South Sudan (born in India),
Johannesburg (born in Zimbabwe) and Uganda.

They did their work on Saturday.
They had more work to do Sunday afternoon at Berea Chapel at 2pm.

We were one of two transporting cars.
We and our colleague Mark were asked on Saturday evening -
"Where can we get a quick lunch for the eight of us after Church and
before our afternoon meeting tomorrow?"

Well!  We go occasionally to family - or come home for lunch on Sundays!
So does Mark.
Or we pack a picnic.
Those weren't possible - distance and time.
They were staying in hotels in Umhlanga - too far time wise.
And... we seldom eat out in Durban.

I researched on-line Saturday evening and came down to two options.
Piatto (general fare,) and Nadia's Curry Cafe (good Durban Curry)
 - both at Ushaka Marine World, Durban beachfront - close enough.
Our visitor from Kenya had last "been to the ocean" five years ago...
That probably influenced my search...
So near, and yet so far... a pity not to go and be near the sea for a little...
He is afraid of the ocean - so no temptation there...

Well!  It was some official walk or other along the Durban promenade
and along parts of the M4 coastal highway.
The close-to-the-venues parking area was closed to us, open to their buses.
There were lots, and lots, and lots! of walkers in their orange and yellow T shirts.

We parked further away, and had a fair walk to our two choices.
The eight of us in our Sunday best must have looked really odd to the walkers...

The Zulu dancers and their drums and gymnastics were performing
in the courtyard outside our final choice - Nadia's Curry Cafe.
We could hardly hear ourselves speak!
Our visitors were gracious.  They enjoyed the show and took photographs...
The dancers moved off to another part of Ushaka.
We enjoyed sharing good curry and good conversation.
And just as well that we decided on Nadia's... Piatto is closed for renovations!
John Dory's (fish) would have been another alternative - if I'd known about it...
Moyo's (good African food) was my first choice - their food reviews were poor.

Well!  Our curry was good!
Our conversations were good!
And we got back to the Chapel in leisurely time for their two pm gathering.

While they were in their meeting I attended the Durban Stake choir practice.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself!  I love choir singing.
Then I started preparing for the Relief Society lesson I facilitated this morning.
Then we transported our two back to Umhlanga
All in all my Sabbath day turned out really well - I felt refreshed by my activities.

So - "What was missing..."
I'll look into more suitable venues for another such request.
I'll think of me-prepared lunches to put together in a hurry.
I have a Spar supermarket at the entrance of our Estate, so that's possible...
Maybe a picnic at the Botanical Gardens close by would be memorable and good...

I'll be able to make a more prepared choice next time -
if there is ever a next time!

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